Friday, May 10, 2019

How I made $180 From FREE Kaboom Traffic!

hey what's up you guys it is bones

Rodriguez and I have just made a couple

some more money with aura with kaboom

traffic rich I got paid to my aura card

and I'm gonna show you that so you can

see so here's the back-office is past 24

hours only so could be four pages no big

deal but look that's what counts right

and I guess that's what I'm owed to so

that's cool

maybe there's another sale I don't know

about maybe with two referrals that's

cool right

so yesterday I got paid to my venmo here

and then today here's my own room right

and I got 60 bucks for two my own room

card you guys got to get the O room card

got to get it it's just like it's an

easier of instant pay and it's not you

don't have to deal with all this other

stuff so you know kaboom ax is great and

it's going really well I just made a new

banner where is it yeah I just made this

new banner but how to make money with

kaboom traffic because you might think

hey why are you people are already here

people who are seeing this banner or

already on kaboom site so why would you

advertise kaboom in here I'm not

advertising kaboom I'm advertising how

to make money with kaboom and the newbie

will be the person that isn't paying

attention would be like oh I know I'm

just sending people here but what I do

and what I tell people to do especially

in a situation like this is that it's

not necessarily about kaboom it's about

getting people to your list and then

helping them do whatever it is they want

so I always tell people to go to this is

step 2 dot-com because I give away a

free site a free lead generation system

it's this whole page it tells you this

is free system will be delivered to the

email you enter so don't enter a fake

email and then this video tells you how

to set it up but on this long page I

kind of give

you how to set it up how to earn money

by your leads how to get other people

and get leads for you through using

something like so many hits com I'm I

think I'm gonna put kaboom traffic back

in this also I have a super rotator that

anyone who joins this they get part of

they get to be part of my super rotator

and then there are upgrades just like

with kaboom traffic there are upgrades

on the free system upgrades in so many

hits etc but the whole point and this is

really where I go to is to upgrade so

that you get thousand dollar

Commission's all the way starting from

zero so that's how you know if you're

watching this because you want to know

how I made sixty bucks that's great the

way I made 60 bucks is that I help

people with their businesses okay and do

that when you go to this is step two

dot-com but oops I disappeared now

better but the way to earn money with

kaboom and other free traffic sources is

to help those people who are trying to

get free traffic to get them other ways

of free traffic right so I have a site

called market my link calm and it's a

whole bunch of paid traffic paid works

better it just works better but I

unbirthday ROI and free traffic is

amazing right so you want to get to the

point where you just have a list of

folks who are all interested in the same

thing and that you can email them

whatever it is okay so the way I help

people make money with kaboom is by

getting them this free lead system that

will automatically promote kaboom for

them okay so I'm as well show you again

when you when you get it you go to this

step to calm and you get it it's gonna

tell you to add your link this is where

you add any link you're promoting you'll

put your kaboom offer here okay that's

how that works and of course I recommend

there's a there's a seven dollar upgrade

that is the best seven dollars you will

ever spend in your life and I recommend

doing that so that is it click

Oh - go - this is step two calm and get

your free system get some more free

traffic get some sales of kaboom and

because you your kaboom is profitable

listen carefully you can add more ads to

it and get your primary seen more and

more and more that's how it is

things feeding each other okay that's

the strategy how can you get things to

feed each other talk to you soon but

click below

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Legit KABOOM TRAFFIC Review- Is it Legit, and Not A Scam? Here's PROOF!

what is happening you guys it is bones

Rodriguez let me make this full so you

can see my wonderful self hey what's up

it is bones Rodriguez and I'm gonna show

you about kaboom traffic which as you

saw but I wanted to let you know if

suddenly you start hearing drilling it's

because can you see that is the

balancing there we go see that there

those are knees those are a bunch of

knees thighs and knees that you see

outside my window because they are

making our new terraces so I think all

summer they're gonna be they're drilling

and anyway kids are at the playground

I'm gonna go meet them in a minute so I

just wanted to quickly show you what is

so awesome about kaboom traffic look

yeah it's not solo ads traffic it's not

these are people who are the right kind

of people people who have a business who

want to promote their business and this

is an opportunity and a way for you to

get your ads seen okay so when you log

in here you'll see there's a whole bunch

of ads here right see all these ads back

here all these ads that are all over the

place well this is how it works people

who sign up to use the system end up

seeing ads and their ads all over the

back-office as you see it just started

yesterday and this is the 120 bucks so

far and I mean started yesterday right

and my bad your banners go up for 60

days it is free you can earn money as a

free member okay

when people buy of course but even

there's a very cool little thing here

where is it so the next member to earn

ten bucks will be John Valley because

for every sale some random person gets

or the last person who made a sale I

think gets a ten bucks from that sale so

super cool to get an upgraded package is

a hundred bucks one time again you can

join for free and earn money for free

you want to make sure that you know that

before you go uh hundred bucks I'm going

to do it that's not the deal you can

earn money for free and more importantly

you can get your ads seen by the right

type of people okay

people are already making sales from

their ads that are

there I'll show you what mine are mine

for the next couple days or the next 60

days are these two right I have

something I call the super rotator and I

have a way to promote affiliate offers

and no paid ads in my opinion that's

what you should put back here because

the people back here are already shown

themselves to want that makes sense good

yeah that's a huge tip I just gave you

right so join for free

I suggest you upgrade here's why look

your hundred bucks one time for for 60

days to sales

you got that back and you go and you

move that money somewhere else that's

what you do

someone's calling who's calling me oh

dr. Halliwell well they can leave a

message and client he's a client of mine

and immediate so there you go that's

kaboom traffic and let me show you what

the Facebook just to let you know the

Facebook group after you join I want you

to see look just done making money Sam

making money this is a way to make sure

your banner ads get seen Sam Randall got

up for his primary business okay

he got one here I don't he got $250 sale

from that this is a webinar that did an

update there's a cool video about leads

and says look Tammy Montgomery made 700

bucks it's the first day first 24 hours

got a sale to our primary and that's

what you want right many people just

want a sale for the primary they don't

want to get involved in a hundred or

opportunities that's okay you gonna

spend money on traffic so use this as a

way to get traffic and maybe money also

okay here's something I was telling

somebody other day they were like bones

you just you just jumped in you paid 100

bucks how do you know it works I was

like I don't but here's the thing I paid

a hundred bucks so in a bit of time

within sixty days am I gonna get a

hundred bucks in there I feel like

either someone's gonna buy my primary or

they'll find two other people who also

by then I get the hundred bucks back and

then everything else is gravy that's the

first thing you know um what's his name

Brooks your Hathaway what's the thing I

use I use a lot

he's always talking about the first

thing you got to do when you invest but

Warren Buffett thank you the first thing

you gotta do when you invest is get your

money back right play with house money

you guys if you see me promoting

anything my strategy is to start it get

that money back and then decide if I

want to keep doing it does that make

sense now it's not the greatest because

you figure what the effort you put in

after you make it

your money back you just keep doing that

and that's true but that's my strategy

always put it down get it in there work

to get it back and then play with house

money have buy buttons all over those

all over the web free buy buttons I've

already this is already paid for by me I

paid for it I got the money back from

sales and now whatever happens is gravy

so that's why I'm not scared to jump

into stuff anymore and that's a huge tip

- this actually worked out to be a much

better video than I thought it would be

I just wanted to tell people that this

is good it is good you can make money

from it you get eyeballs on the thing

eyeballs from the right type of people

and that's it so get started there's a

link below if you go to jobs stink comm

slash kaboom join on my link at the

bottom connect with me you know I hooked

my people okay so that's it it's awesome

get to it talk to you soon bye

Friday, April 26, 2019

This Money Machine Beats EVERY Bank in the USA!

Parents and babysitters who see me at the playground all the time often ask me about my videos on YouTube, and how I make money from home. I usually describe the "Online Vending machine" idea so that it's easily graspable. Most people "get it" when they hear it, and want to get started, HOWEVER, I was with my son in the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY when in between the gift shop and the flying dinosaurs, I saw THIS PENNY MACHINE that made me STOP in my tracks, and make this video- Let me know if you understand what I'm saying!

Friday, March 01, 2019

Like A Magic Creature Feeding You Grapes...

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Exactly How To Build ANY Home Business in ONE MINUTE per Day!

I know, I know- it already sounds like bull.

But you simply couldn't resist that headline, amirite?

Well, it's real, and this video I made is the proof:

And what's crazy, is that I like the system SO much, that I made the official video on the next page too!

Look, the truth is that newbies are usually so scared to do ANYTHING that they end up doing nothing.

This quick video and system will show you how to promote your affiliate link or home business in literally 3 clicks!

It's actually about 10 seconds, but who would believe that?

Monday, November 12, 2018

This New "Magic SIM Card" Makes Your Cell Phone Bill Disappear!

MCS Global Link releases information on how its new SIM Card will completely eliminate monthly bills. Further information can be found at

10/30/2018- As a new authorized reseller for MCS Global Link, has begun offering the industry-changing SIM card that offers free monthly talk, text, and data service for 9 years. For anyone with even a passing interest in saving money on their cell phone service without losing the high quality they expect, this is hard to believe.

Currently, cell phone service providers charge their customers line access fees, usage fees, and all sorts of other hidden fees that users are unaware of. The industry is worth billions of dollars, and technology is always changing. The Authorized reseller at MCS USA, John B Rodriguez, makes a point of saying "things are going to change when 'The Magic SIM Card' gets into enough people's hands. The consciousness will shift, and people will wonder why they were paying for waves that have been free the whole time".
Rodriguez continues: "It's like paying for FM service; we all know it's already out there, so all we need to do is access it with a radio. People know better than to pay for that. Facebook is free, as are twitter, and Instagram. The only reason we pay for cell phone service is that we don't know any better. Ultimately this is going to be a huge benefit to early adopters because they'll save thousands on their cell phone bills, and use that money for more important things."
MCS USA states on their website: "We do this because we believe we are world-changers who believe that cell service should be forthright and direct. We believe customers should have NO monthly mobile bill. Ever."
The convergence of the technology with the tools to spread the message is predicted to make MCS Global Link's SIM Card more popular with small business owners, and early adopters in the tech space quickly.
Many of these types of people have been saving money when they 'cut the cord' for their cable service while others are still paying large cable bills. It is expected that the growth of the "Magic SIM Card" will be similar; while some will pocket the savings immediately, the cell phone service providers will continue to profit from those who are slow to change.
The tagline is "This Magic SIM Card will make your cell phone bill disappear!" and is available now at
For more information about MCS Global Link, interested parties may visit

Friday, August 24, 2018

Finish Line Network- BONUSES for Pre-Launch HERE ONLY- Make Money Online

Something revolutionary is taking place right now! A group of real marketing titans have converged to deliver a system like none other on the market today! This team of titans includes leaders from the networking marketing and traffic space, the tech side of marketing, and the affiliate marketing/Internet marketing space. 

They have built a system that positions you for success right out of the starting blocks! In fact with how much they have done for you to begin with, it is safe to say you are starting at the finish line! 

If you want the real first-mover advantage now is the time to act quick! Timing is everything when it comes to opportunity, and this one does not even cost you anything! 

I saw a quote recently that simply said: “Money loves speed!” 

It is such a true statement if you think about it. This simply means that money follows action takers. Leaders and winners do not hesitate. You need to go watch this video and join for free! << 

After you watch it let me know what you think? 

This does not cost you anything, but when you do sign up you can immediately get to work on positioning yourself for maximum success. 

You owe it to yourself to check this deal out today!


HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: