Saturday, October 08, 2016

Why "Artsy" Women Get Their Hearts Broken Over and Over Again... Until Now


Let me ask you... I felt compelled to reprint this:

This article comes to you courtesy of Mirabelle Summers, author of Wrap Him Around Your Finger: 
Have you ever felt so deeply connected with your man … his arms around you, feeling warm and happy and giggly and safe and utterly RIGHT… 
Only to feel that WALL come down between you?
Almost out of nowhere. 
Almost without warning.
And you feel that sickening clench in your stomach as you realize…
He’s pulling away. 
And you don’t know why … or how to FIX it. 
If you’ve ever experienced anything like this for yourself… then you need to read this article, and watch the short cartoon put together for you at the end, RIGHT NOW…
Because whether YOUR man is ‘checking out’ of the relationship emotionally or not… 
You NEED to know what to do when the man you love pulls away from you BEFORE it happens…
Because trying to learn how to DRAG his love back to you when you’re already losing him is like trying to learn how to swim when you’re already drowning.
Look: I learned this myself, the hard way. 
It cost me relationship after relationship, heartbreak after heartbreak. 
And after years of seeing the men I loved walk out of my life, leaving me desperate and sobbing and bloody and broken…
…I finally got smart and decided to take back control of my lovelife. 
That’s why I made it my life’s work to uncover the secret psychology of men…
And the incredible hidden NEEDS that your man has… that all men have (but that he will never, EVER reveal to you on his own)…
And I want to share 3 of those secret, POWERFUL needs with you right now. 
So if you want to prevent any man from EVER pulling away from you again… and DRAG his desire and devotion 100% back to YOU (where it belongs), forever…
Then there are just THREE things you need to know:
1. Thing One: Understand that all men periodically NEED to pull away from ANY relationship … in exactly the same way YOU need to stop eating dinner when you’re stuffed to bursting. 
Weird but true: 
To a man, love is like food. 
Like such good food. 
But even with the BEST food in the world… even if he’s been STARVING for years…
He’s still going to get full eventually.
I’m paraphrasing from Dr John Gray here, of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (and by the way, if you haven’t already read it, you should)…
But basically, a guy’s heart can only hold so much emotional ‘food’ before he needs time to leave the table and digest. 
In other words, him ‘pulling away’ is a normal and NATURAL part of the desire cycle.
He “eats”… he gets “full”… then he leaves the table for awhile so that he can get “hungry” again.
In other words, ALL MEN periodically NEED to ‘leave the table’. Otherwise, he’ll never feel that desperate craving to get close you to again.
Which is why having a man periodically pull back from you can actually be an incredibly good thing.
Because IF you handle it right (and I’m about to tell you how), when a man pulls away, it’s a GOLDEN opportunity to snap his attention, love, and desire right back onto you again… and closer than ever before.
2. Thing Two: When a man pulls away, you must make an IMMEDIATE commitment to yourself to react in a way that most women DON’T, WON’T, OR CAN’T.
Here, I’ll paint you a little picture. 
Let’s say you’ve noticed a distance in your man’s behavior lately. 
Maybe his cute little texts are getting fewer and further between. 
Maybe he’s acting quiet, and distant, and cold, and weird. 
Or maybe he’s even told you outright that it’s not working and he ‘needs some space’. 
So, what should you DO?
Well, first I’ll tell you what you SHOULDN’T do (which is exactly what 99% of women end up doing):
Freaking out.
Most women react to a man going distant by PANICKING and saying things like:
• ‘What’s wrong?’
• ‘Is it me?’
• ‘Did I do something wrong?’
• ‘Is everything okay?’
• ‘You seem distant…’
But if you panic, freak out, or get ‘clingy’, you will QUICKLY drive him further away than ever.
And here’s why…
When it comes to love, a man’s capacity to feel love and desire for you is INCREDIBLY dependent on just TWO things:
 - His ability to make you happy, and …
- His ability to feel your TRUST in him.
 When a man perceives that he’s making you happy and that you TRUST him, his brain is flooded in a warm wash of happy chemicals.
He feels pride, ecstasy, euphoria, and a potent surge of sheer masculinity.
In other words, making you happy and earning your trust makes him feel like a MAN.
Don’t forget, most men walk around in their lives in a haze of insecurity, anxiety, and worries of being disrespected.
That’s why it’s so incredibly powerful when he feels your trust and respect in him.
It makes him stand up straight, feel ecstatic and warm and proud and strong, and ready to fight dragons for you just to feel it again.
But, if you freak out and react by trying to grab him and DRAG him back to you…
…then he (rightly) perceives that he’s NOT making you happy and you’re NOT trusting him.
Which triggers an instant and devastating surge of UNHAPPY chemicals in his brain.
The result?
Deep in his unconscious brain, he forges an unbreakable chemical link between ‘being around you’ with the unpleasant and deeply repulsive feeling of ‘being disrespected and distrusted as a man’.
And that’s when what WAS a simple, healthy, natural male instinct to ‘pull away’ in order to come CLOSER…
… ow becomes a legitimate WALL between the two of you.
So how do you make sure this NEVER happens to you?
Read on…

3. Thing Three: When a man pulls away, you need to EMBRACE it as the golden opportunity for a deeper, more incredible connection it really is.
If you feel like he’s pulling away (and he might very well be), here’s what you absolutely need to do:
- You MUST relax.
- You MUST NOT stress.
- You MUST remind yourself that all men do this, that it’s natural and healthy, that it’s literally FUELLING his ability to come closer to you…
- And most of all, you must allow him to pull back without freaking out and without trying to ‘fix’ it.
Because most of the time, there’s nothing TO fix.
It’s simply a man being a man … and getting closer to you in the only way he knows how:
By instinctively creating the DISTANCE between you that ends up driving a deeper, more connected CLOSENESS when he comes back your way again.
“But Mirabelle … I can’t just do nothing! How can you be so heartless??”
Well, first of all, understand that I’m NOT telling you to do nothing.
What I’m saying is that you must relax.
And relaxing is not ‘nothing’!
Real relaxing means taking positive action to become a stronger, more awesome version of yourself.
Whether that’s reading a novel, seeing a friend, taking a walk, playing with your puppy, cooking a meal, working out…
…anything you do that truly relaxes you is taking positive action to build a better life, a healthier body, a stronger immune system…
… and probably also stronger friendships, better self esteem, and a happier, more balanced mind.
So, relaxing is NOT nothing : )
But … hey, I get it. ‘Relaxing’ can feel downright IMPOSSIBLE when you feel like the man you love is slipping through your fingers and checking out of the relationship emotionally.
Plus, there’s the bitter truth: sometimes, a man pulling away really does spell trouble for your relationship.
But Here’s The Good News:
Right Now, Here’s Something AMAZING That’s Going To Bring All His Barriers Crumbling Down Forever, And Drag His Desire And Devotion 100% Back To You The SECOND You Use It.
Here’s the deal:
You know how I mentioned at the start of this article that there’s a cartoon I put together for you?
Well, I want you to go and watch that cartoon right now.
And here’s why:
Because, in this tooth-grittingly personal video, I tell you a raw, honest, and devastating story of how one woman came this close to driving her man away forever …
PLUS I’ll give you the EXACT eight steps I found that STOP a man from pulling away dead in his tracks …
Make him ‘hungry’ for your love … 
And honestly create a level of lasting bliss and deep emotional CONNECTION between you and your man that no-one and nothing can destroy.
And If you want him to not just ‘love’ but absolutely devote himself to you heart and soul …
Then click here and see the video  to learn the eight simple steps that give you push-button access to his deepest thoughts and feelings, and turn him into a ‘lifelong monogamy junkie’ forever:

This article comes to you courtesy of Mirabelle Summers, author of Wrap Him Around Your Finger 
If you are serious about changing your success with men, and getting men to do more of the things you WANT him to do...
If you want genuine men who will love you, shower you with attention, and give you the commitment you
Discover Mirabelle's secret mind control method and watch some pretty amazing things happen :)

Monday, September 05, 2016

This Is Step 1- What The Wealthy Buy That The Poor And Middle Class Do Not!

(This video is at 500,000 views and counting on YOUTUBE!)
There Is ONE Thing That Rich People BUY That The Poor And Middle Class Don't!

(Watch to at least 7 minutes!)
To get more life-changing ideas about money and time.

If you've ever wanted to learn how to grow an internet business, then you must start here.

Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich dad, Poor Dad" is responsible for a lot of the ideas in this video, along with Tim Sales' video "What The Rich Buy On Payday", along with my own spin.

The ONE Thing That Rich People BUY That The Poor And Middle Class Don't!

This video is OVER 2.1 MILLION VIEWS and counting, with over 30,000 likes! It's not at all what you think... Keep an open mind, you are about to be very surprised. People who watch it to the end are saying it's one of the most important they have seen...

(Short on Data? Read the transcript below)

(Click Play- And Then Continue! Over 17,000 Shares!)

and don't forget to SHARE!


I do some speaking occasionally to different groups of people who would like their circumstances to change.

The problem is that circumstances usually don't change until the people in the circumstances change. Which means that the only way to change your circumstances is to change yourself.

The information in these few pages will only take 10 minutes to read, but has drastically changed my life's circumstances, and it can do the same for you if you take action on the information.

The only difference between what you have and what you want is APPLIED KNOWLEDGE. This booklet will be the knowledge, but YOU have to apply it.


There might seem to be a lot of differences between the rich, the poor, and the middle class, but what if I told you that there was only one idea that the rich use that the the other two do not, that makes all the difference?

It’s so simple but so important that when I finally understood it, it changed my life forever.

I'm going to open your eyes and show you exactly what I mean, and you’ll see why the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the middle class are getting squeezed out.

It’s not about what they do, but what they BUY.

I want to make this as simple as I can, but to start I want to give you a few definitions of four important words.

(When I first heard these, I thought I knew them, but it turns out I was wrong)

The words are:

Income- which means money you bring in
Expenses- which means money you spend

These two words are used by the rich, poor, and middle class, but it’s these next two that I thought I knew, but blew my mind:

Liabilities- Something that costs you
Assets- Something that pays you.

Before, I thought an asset was something you own, like a house, a car, or something expensive. But the rich have a different definition of Assets, and this is the one we’ll be working with:

“Something that pays you”

Usually, people call their house an asset, and if you ask an accountant, they’ll tell you it is, but if you use these definitions, it can also be a liability, right?

A house you own but live in COSTS you money, so it’s a liability. BUT, a house that you rent to other people and make money from is an ASSET.

So, a quick review:
  • Income is money you make
  • Expenses is money you spend
  • Liability cost you money
  • Assets pay you money.


So, I mentioned that there was a simple idea that separated the rich, poor and middle class, and it’s all wrapped up in what they do with their money when they get paid.

THE POOR take their money and buy…


They buy shoes, and ringtones, and mountain dew, and chotchkes, and blu-rays, and clothes and TVs and games and a bunch of STUFF that they found for cheap- maybe at a flea market, garage sale, dollar store, or Walmart.

Their houses are cluttered with junk, but it was all “just a buck!” or “inexpensive thingys”. Their cars are full of junk, their garages are full of useless trinkets, etc.

They take their money from their income, and spend it through their EXPENSES each month. Right out the door, as fast as it came in.

It’s easy to fall into this trap because everywhere we look there are things to buy! It makes the world go ‘round, the problem is that after years of working, they have nothing to show for it because all the little thingys add up.

I was born with this idea, and for a long time, that’s what I thought you should do with money- Spend it! I had heard of “saving”, but even then, I was saving it to buy something BIG.

The problem is that the poor never let their money create more money.

This isn’t a character flaw, and it’s not WRONG, it’s just that it keeps the poor on a terrible cycle that is very hard to escape from.

You have to be willing to learn and change.

I was willing, and I learned that creating wealth is not a big secret, it’s a recipe.

The only reason someone doesn't create wealth is because they don't know the recipe, don’t want to know the recipe, or never use the recipe.

I have never baked cupcakes because I never learned, never had the recipe, and never tried to bake them. It’s not enough to get the recipe, you actually have to COOK!

So let’s talk about the middle class now.


Some people in the middle class think they are rich, because they might make a good salary at a good job.

Maybe they make a six figure income, but what they buy with that money is what keeps them stuck in the middle class.

Instead of buying little inexpensive thingys, the middle class buy LIABILITIES.

Remember I said that a liability is something that costs you?

Well, the middle class buy things like big houses, nice cars, vacations, and pay for them on credit that they pay for every month. Each month it’s a new thing, but it just adds a little bit to the monthly bills or expenses.

For example, let’s say someone in the middle class makes $15,000. They pay their monthly expenses like the mortgage (or rent on a fancy apartment) and food and lifestyle with $7000, but then a car costs 7000 dollars down and a few hundred a month.

Then a watch that costs a little bit per month, a vacation that costs a little bit per month, etc. etc. Until they are living on the credit cards that they pay a part of every month.

After a while, their monthly debts catch up to their monthly income, and then they are trapped with what I’ve heard called

“Golden shackles”.

They keep buying LIABILITIES that cost them every month, and then they are trapped by the very things they bought to make them happy.

Now, they are stressed out because they HAVE to make more money next year for the kids schools, or the next vacation, or whatever.

And they put THOSE liabilities on the credit card.

The poor and the middle class get trapped because they also get into a situation where the only way they make money is by trading their TIME for it.

Either their body or their knowledge get traded for the money they make, and there are only 24 hours in a day.

Whether you make $10 an hour, or $1000 an hour, you still have to trade that hour for it. A fast food worker still has to serve food, a dentist still has to see patients.

This is when the 2nd job comes into play. It’s a short-term band-aid to a long-term problem, because there are only so many hours in the day.

Often people with jobs end up being workaholics, waking up just to go to work and pay bills. The added money isn't a solution, just a bigger way to be trapped.

A lot of people think that education and knowledge are the solution to any problem, but they are mistaken.

Education and knowledge must be applied.

“The only difference between what you have and what you want is applied knowledge.”

First you have to gain the knowledge, then apply it.

After you finished reading this, you'll be prompted to take action, and visit a website for more education and knowledge. I hope you choose to take the action and apply what you learn.

For example, earning more money isn't always the solution. I want you to know that you can make a lot of money, but still be a poor person because of how you spend it.

It's not what you make, but HOW you make it, and what you do with it after wards.

But here’s the critical difference for the wealthy:

The Wealthy do something completely different.


Instead of buying STUFF and liabilities with their money, the wealthy buy ASSETS.

Again, an ASSET is something that PAYS you.

This blew my mind when I heard it because I had no idea that you could even do that… BUY something that PAYS YOU?

It made no sense at first, so I chose to keep learning. Here’s what I found out:

The wealthy buy ASSETS. These assets pay them money, which they use to buy MORE assets which makes them MORE money. The ASSETS make them money instead of their TIME.

Here are a couple of assets that you might have heard of:

Real Estate

Now when I heard this, I said:

“Oh! Investing- Of course they buy ‘investments’- duh!”

And the person who taught me this asked me “What is an investment?”

and I said

“Well, it’s something you buy, and then you hope it goes up in value, and then you sell it for more money...right?”

And he said…


And that’s what the poor and middle class think investing is.

They are wrong.”

Then he asked me- “Would you like to know how RICH people define investing?”

And I said “YES”!

And he said- “I already told you they BUY ASSETS”.

Instead of buying something that you HOPE goes up in value after time goes by, the rich buy ASSETS that pay them NOW.

You see, they buy stocks that pay a dividend- it pays them money every month.

They buy bonds that pay them every month

They buy real estate that PAYS them every month-

Like I said before, not a house you live in hoping it goes up in value in ten years, but a house that you RENT OUT NOW to people who pay you every month.

But there were two other kinds of assets that I want to talk about now::

EDUCATION can be  kind of asset if you learn how to do something and you can use it to make more money.

There’s an old saying “If you think education is expensive you should see how expensive ignorance is”

but where the rich really make the difference is when they buy or create an asset that is a BUSINESS.


Buy or Create an Asset That Is A BUSINESS.

-Especially a business that can create passive income.

When you can build up a business to where it pays you even after you stop working it, then you have a true asset. It’s what the real wealthy people do, and it doesn’t have to be some multi-national corporation.

A great example of this kind of a business is a vending machine.

If you have a vending machine in a place with a lot of traffic, people buy the candy, and you just collect the money.

Sure, you might pay for the candy, and for someone to restock it, but all you do is get the machine, and get the money, and then buy another machine.

And then get the money, and buy another machine.
Over and Over.

Warren buffet did this with old pinball machines… now he’s one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

He started with pinball machines, and now he buys big businesses that pay him monthly. Same recipe, different ingredients.

If you Like Me, feel excited now that you’ve learned this, then here’s where YOU come in.

Years ago, I came across these ideas when I was working a day job.

I am an actor, and you’ve seen me on tv now, but back then I was just working to pay the bills.

I got jobs answering phones, temping, whatever, doing things just for money, so I could pay bills on the liabilities and STUFF that I had bought.

Then someone shared these ideas with me, and I wanted a change enough that I chose to keep learning.

Now things are entirely different. I spend my time doing what I want to do, I’ve been on TV, I’ve written books, and and I decided to take action when I had the chance to build up a passive income business online.

An online Asset.

Kind of an online vending machine (if that makes sense)

I took some of the money I made from that ASSET, and bought more assets in the form of education, so I could LEARN MORE and take MORE action, and build MORE online vending machines.
I started telling people about what I had learned, but I found that you can’t understand any of this stuff unless you’re looking for a solution, you’re open to hearing one, and feel excited about the idea.

When I was poor, spending all my money and time on stupid STUFF, I was open when someone asked me if I wanted to make some more money. I answered a very hype-filled ad, was willing to research, take action, and it changed my life forever.

So, on the next page is a passive income business ASSET that I use to make money with.


The poor by STUFF
The middle class buy LIABILITIES
The wealthy buy ASSETS-

Preferably businesses that PAY YOU money then take that money and buy another asset that produces more money.

That's the recipe for wealth.
I really hope you learned a few things from this video, and you GO NOW to:

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men-

P.S.- Please, if you found ANY value in this report, please share it with your friends, family and social network.

P.P.S.- Don't forget to visit:

and BUY ASSETS to buy your life back!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Governor Cuomo- Will he sell New York Out?

It's very simple:

1- New York needs more affordable housing, not less.

2- New Buildings go up all the time for rich people. Fine, great. However,

3- Instead of building those new places, New York Landlords are using their loophole lawyers to kick out old tenants and turn those affordable units into rich people's vacation homes- AND HAVE THE TAXPAYERS PAY FOR IT!

4- That's wrong.


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