Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I had a good idea #JarOfChange

So, I got home a little buzzed after having a few beers while seeing a Gotham City Improv show,
and looked at the jar of change I had on my table. I had a Gemini Conversation:

John: I gotta go convert this to cash

Bones:  You should donate it

John: That's a good idea

Bones: Yeah, but what if you made it fun?

John: Oh, like a game?

Bones: Yeah, we like games!

John: Ok, so what game?

Bones: Oh! I know- let's get other people to guess hw much is in there, and then who ever is closest gets us to donate the money to their charity!

John: Damn, you ARE brilliant!

Bones: I told you!

So, I posted it on Instagram and  Facebook:

So, after a few days, I closed the guessing.
There were like 25 guesses (I expected a lot more people to play)
and that's when I thought it might be a good idea for other people to do.

Anyway, we went to the bank:

So, the winner for the first "Jar Of Change" is Jenny Lando, and we donated to Newtown Action Alliance- http://www.NewtownAction.org

But then I was like "Hey- can this get bigger?"

Like what if I get the site "JarOfChange.org" and I get other people to do the same?
Maybe I can make it a fun betting sort of thing, where everyone who guesses promises to pay up to the winners charity? Or just for the heck of it.... Maybe more to come, who knows?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What I Learned With Mike Dillard's Money

I have waited long enough.

I have been wanting to tell people about this experience for a while, but Mike Dillard and Curt Maly kept saying that we should do it "sometime".

Well, I hate waiting, so I wrote it out.

I think they might get mad, but I hope not:

I wrote an 18-page report detailing the story of how I won Mike Dillard's Coaching program contest, and $1,000 of his money to test my online business.

I was super excited because along with the money came a special ad campaign created by Curt Maly, the newest facebook advertising Guru.

I learned a ton from him, but my business didn't make me a millionaire like I thought it would.

So, here's the full story:

Monday, December 08, 2014

Seth Godin Asks ME a Question

Ok, so he didn't ask me directly, but I love to read this guys books.

And I also read his blog, which he writes EVERYDAY.
Yup, Saturdays and Sundays too.

And today, he wrote something pretty much about what's on my mind these days.

I have been thinking about what kind of performing I want to do now, and basically "What's Next" as the year comes to a close. Here is what he wrote:

What's next?

What does a good day look like? A good week?
Who do you want to work with?
Who are you trying to please?
What sort of feedback brings you down?
What’s your tolerance for being misunderstood? By whom?
Is it about process or projects?
Which part of the project makes you happy?
At the end of the project, what would you like in return?
What diminishes the work?
How high do the stakes need to be?
How close to the edge do you need to dance? Risk? Resources? Failure?
What will you take? What will you give? Who will you connect?
How much freedom will you sacrifice to get what you want? How much commitment will you promise?
What are you measuring? Smiles, comments, traffic, cash, media response, friends, peers, insiders, outsiders?
Will they miss you when you're done with this?

Get on his Email list- he constantly challenges with new ideas, and perspectives!
Oh, and get his books too- TRIBES is fantastic!

Sunday, December 07, 2014

When is the right time to potty train your baby? You might be surprised!

I have a 4 month old, and wow- I can't believe I'll be changing diapers for 2 more years!
Just for the heck of it, I went looking for a way to potty train earlier.

I know, 4 months is too soon, but still...


Here's what I learned...

I dunno if it's too early to potty train my baby, but I figure if I learn now, when the time comes, it'll go easy!

Click here for the Videos- START POTTY TRAINING

If you want some more parenting tips and tricks that have saved my life, marriage and bank account, then enter your info here:

Friday, December 05, 2014

How To Train Your Dragon (To Be A Racist) "2"

I just watched Dreamwork's "How To Be A Dragon 2" and boy am I racist.

See, the sequel is about how the peaceful Vikings and their pet Dragons are being threatened to wage war with another ex-viking from long ago.

Y'know, the black viking.

The one with Dreadlocks.

Voiced by the hardly-intelligible-to-begin-with Djimon Hounsou doing a sort of african-nordic-scottish accent.

"Well, at least there's a black guy playing him!" you say; "I mean, if there were no black people in this movie about Vikings, then you'd be marching and chanting about equal opportunity and affirmative action!"

"We had America Ferrera voicing a major part, isn't that enough?"

I keep using the word "voicing" so that you realize how ridiculous it is that in this movie there really is not only ONE black guy on screen, he is also the only one voicing himself- THE BAD GUY.

So, if you're wondering why it seems we can't get justice when black kids get killed, just have a movie night and explain to your kids that this dreadlocked foreigner HAD to be killed because he was trying to conquer those oh-so peaceful VIKINGS.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Universe Asks YOU A Question

When you think about WHY you are here,
Considering WHERE you are,
and WHO you want to be...
and WHAT you want to do,
and WHEN you want to start..

Let the Universe ask you this:

Maybe you can start by getting yourself free by starting a home business here:

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Is that how I fixed it last time?

"Where is the cover for the air conditioner?" I asked my ever-patient wife.
"I think it's gone" she said.
"Gone? Where could it have gone?"
"You said you think it flew off and fell down outside, remember"
"Oh.... Right. Is that why this cardboard is here? Did I fix it with this last time?"
"Ok then... I'll just fix it like this again... for now.... like last year."

Don't judge me, you know you've done it.

Like that JOB that you were supposed to have as a "TEMPORARY" thing, that is now your Career.

Why not try out something different, like THIS SOLUTION

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This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: