Sunday, November 16, 2014

Better Than Perfect?

I have a question for you-

What's BETTER than perfect?

If you are working on something being perfect
before you DO something....

Then ANYTHING is better.

"Good NOW is better than Perfect NEVER"

I have a friend who doesn't have a website AT ALL for her
acting business, and I have no idea why that is. It's been 7 years.

I have another friend who was constantly being asked for business cards.
It went on for years about how she wanted to make business cards.
She never made them... for years.
So, about 5 years ago, I made them FOR her.

-But she didn't like them.

In fact, she didn't want to hand them out when people would ask her for
them because she didn't like them enough.

But y'know what? Someone asked her for one when I had a few.
We gave them out anyway, because they were all she had.

She got calls and got business because of them.

You'd think that would prompt someone to make new ones,
but NOPE. She has yet to make new ones.

I wanted to make a spoof video of the Corona Commercials
because I hated them so much. But we were always waiting for the
perfect day to go to the beach, the perfect people, the perfect camera,
etc, and y'know what?


Also- Corona recently changed their whole campaign!

I missed the boat.

Choosing to DO SOMETHING NOW is better than being perfect never-

Make sure you've got your mind in the NOW, because that's the
only thing you have control of.

It's not perfect, but it's pretty damn good!

And if you have issues with perfectionism, my friend Casey
just read the audiobook version of THIS BOOK. Get a copy!

Sunday, November 09, 2014

"Too Many Cooks" is BONKERS

"Too Many Cooks" seems like it's going to be the beginning of a sitcom parody:

And then it blows your mind for a very long time. I don't want to say too much
because... well... really, just watch it. And then ask yourself "WTF Did I just watch?"

Yeah, yeah- I know. Bonkers, right?

But if you get it, leave me a comment and SHARE THIS NOW!

Monday, November 03, 2014

Network Marketing vs Affiliate Marketing, vs High-Ticket Sales- Which is best?

Unless you're in the space of Home business and making money from home or online, you might not really understand the difference between Network Marketing, Affiliate marketing (or affiliate sales) or what's now known as "High -Ticket"sales or "GPT" as Mike Dillard called it a few years ago.

This video by Darren Hanser really does an excellent job of explaining the differences and why a system that we both use really takes the best from all three philosophies:

So, if that cleared up the differences between Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, and High Tickets sasles for you, leave a comment. If the system he described sounds like something you'd like to know more about, then CLICK HERE TO TAKE A TEST DRIVE.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I Cried Watching Jim Carrey- Here's Why.

This weekend, Jim Carrey was on SNL.

Not the greatest show, but there was a sketch where all he cast members played different Jim Carrey characters, kinda doing impressions of him:

Tarren Killam again showing that he's fantastic at most things.

It was a fun sketch, fun to watch and know the characters, but not really "funny".

But here's why I cried at the end of it.

A long time ago, I made a list of 101 life goals. No, one of them was NOT to perform with Jim Carrey (although, maybe I should!), but it was this:

"Other comedians do impressions of me to an audience's delight"

Watching it happen for someone else made me happy for him, but also really sad for myself. I hate to say it, but I don't think that's going to happen for me anymore. Well, at least I got to see it for Jim!

Actuallt, I've changed my mind. There's no need to give up on that dream, and in fact, watching it happen for Jim Carrey makes it MORE likely that it will be or me too!

All thoughts are lies people, so you might as well choose the ones that work in your favor!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Who says "no" to you?

I got this from Seth's Blog: No one to say no:

"In a world that lacks so many traditional gatekeepers, there are fewer people than ever to say no to your project, your idea, your song. If you want to put it out there, go ahead.

On the other hand, that also means that there are fewer people who can say yes. That's now your job too.
If you work in an organization, the underlying rule is simple: People are not afraid of failure, they’re afraid of blame.
Avoid looking in the mirror and saying no. More challenging: practice looking in the mirror and saying yes."

So now, when you feel like someone isn't letting you do something, remember that the person is the one in the mirror!
This is for the actors, writers, and business people of all types!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Huffington Post ENDORSES ME (sorta)

Huffington Post just spilled the beans.

See, people sometimes make fun of me for my course "No More Waiters".

I tell people that they can SELL MY COURSE and make money with it
by using a website called Clickbank.

In fact my "$50 in 24 hours" method uses Clickbank.

Very rarely did someone say "Oh, I know that!"

But now that HUFFINGTON POST wrote about the stuff I teach and Clickbank, all of a sudden I am validated:

"In recent years teenagers, 20-somethings, mid-lifers and senior citizens across the globe have explored the new era of digital commerce. This allows anyone to create a product once and resell it an infinite amount of times. Never in the history of business has an entrepreneur had so much leverage and such little risk.
One company that has been on the forefront of the evolution in digital commerce is ClickBank. ClickBank is the world leader in performance marketing of digital products, with six million clients and distribution in 190 countries. They specialize in being the go-to, easy-to-use platform for entrepreneurs and small businesses, enabling and encompassing powerful online and mobile e-commerce across a wide variety of lifestyle categories.
In the new age of digital commerce, ClickBank is helping empower people to share their knowledge with others through the creation of digital products, but it doesn't just stop there. Product developers are also empowered to make products of all kinds outside of education and how-to oriented products. Many of ClickBanks' most successful products are in the health and fitness, home and garden, parenting and families, cooking, food and wine categories."- Huffington Post

See, when you get No More Waiters- How To Build Your Acting Business Without A Day Job, you will learn how to be an "affiliate" and how to use Clickbank so you can make money from your computer. That was for the Actors.
For everyone else, I have a blog about doing the same thing for a different website- 
So- will you be at the front, or at the back? If you're seeing the trend, you'll realize that all of this information is about to go mainstream, and you'll be too late.
It's up to you, but if you're ready to get started, go here- No More Waiters

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Do YOU Give a F*ck?

This is fantastic.
I'm adding this and spreading the word because I love what they have done here, and since it's going viral, I guess I'm not the only one:

Yes, I already have my own health book: Half Assed Health, but I really love what they're doing here, and I figure I'm helping to make people give a f*ck.

Get the book here:

Time to give a f*ck!

HONEST "Instant Pay Machine" Review

This system is EXACTLY what you want in an Online Money-generating system: Ease of use, and MULTIPLE STREAMS!! You can get it here now: