Monday, December 23, 2013

Does Getting Rich Make You Mean?

Does Getting Rich Make You Mean?

Apparently, it kinda does.

This TED talk from Paul Piff outlines the studies he did when people who were set up with privilege in a game of monopoly began to see themselves as the reason for their dominance. Apparently, they had completely forgotten that they were given special rules, and they lost compassion for the other player:

Paul Piff: Does money make you mean? | Video on ""

In the home business world, I see this happen all the time. People who are "Trainers" really begin to think that they did something spectacular, when they forgot that they accidentally sponsored someone who had a large following, and then they think they've done something.
Big Al talks about there always being "another story" that people seem to not mention when they're promoting their wild success.
That's not to say that the success isn't deserved, but that sometimes there is a bunch of luck that seems to be overlooked.

And then they become callous and MEAN.

What do you think?

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Mother and Her 4-Year-Old Create Art That Delights You Instantly

A Mother and Her 4-Year-Old Create Art That Delights You Instantly

What happens when you're a serious artist, and don't want your child to scribble all over your pain-staking work?

You keep her awayu, of course.

Until she guilts you with "If you can't share, we'll have to take it away!"... where do you think she learned that?

So, BOOM- Art is created:

Check out more on her blog here

I got this story from Distractify:
A Mother Lets Her 4-Year-Old Finish Her Drawings. She Never Thought It Would Lead To This. | Distractify:

Thursday, December 19, 2013

▶ The Brilliant Non-Hollywood DVD Title That Sells Millions - YouTube

▶ The Brilliant Non-Hollywood DVD Title That Sells Millions"
Just when you thought you knew everything that you could do with a niche group...


The question is, what can YOU create to further serve YOUR niche?
For my Star Trek people, I could create the "Beam Your Biceps" workout, or the "How To Set Your Body On STUNNING" Workout DVD... get me? For the Entreperformers, there's the "Server Shoulder Workout" to help you workout while you're waiting tables. Get a shapely "Waiter's Waist"... LOL!

What will YOU create?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

#XMAS JAMMIES - The Holiday Card Viral Video From the Real-Life INCREDIBLES

This Holiday Viral Video About #Xmas Jammies is amazing.
No, it's not REALLY from THE INCREDIBLES, but look at this:

It's not that parodies are new (and this is a an old song to parody), but the fact that these WORKING actors are even taking the plunge to become Entreperformers that I like so much.

And they do it in the best way possible...

Cute kids
Hot Mom
Charismatic Dad
Good song choice and lyrics
Fun visuals of recognizable things

#XMAS JAMMIES - Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family! - YouTube: ""

Do you get what I'm saying?

Promoting themselves BY promoting that they're going to promote!!!

Brilliant, Fun, and wonderful to watch. Absolute perfection... My comment is a minute long:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Beyonce Serves Up A Surprise Album... and a Pizza!

Beyonce, her Secret Surprise Album, and a Pizza!

Yup- she just released a secret album like the way my friends do-

Dropped it like a hot pizza...

Except she got 80,000 downloads in 3 hours.

My friends have to work a little harder to get those numbers, but really, it's the same process:

Except that Beyonce has been working on cultivating her following for years and has constantly given out art and music the whole time. It's what her followers expect.

But she also added Videos!
Including one with her doing some sort of strip tease... I may have to get this one!

Hot Chick Joanna Carpenter Talking BEER and AMERICA- Brave The Brew!

Hot chick talks about Beer and America!

Joanna Carpenter is an Entreperformer who I met through Lia Sumerano, who played Vanessa in "In The Heights" with me, but we made friends waiting at an audition for Aladdin.

Yes, New York City acting is a small world.

This vivacious energetic woman has a passion for BEER, and created where she talks beer and brewing. She took a few seconds with me at one of her events to talk about why America creates the coolest and most innovative beers in the world. Listen and fall in love:

Sign up at her site to come to her next event. I had a great time, learned more about beer, and got to try a lot of different beers... maybe too many?

Stop WAITING, and Start WINNING!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

▶ Captain Picard and TNG Cast sing "Let it Snow!"

Captain Picard and The Next Generation Cast Sing "Let It Snow"

Yeah, so this is from the next generation, but it's absolutely delightful...

▶ Captain Picard sings "Let it Snow!" - YouTube:

It goes to show that when you mix Star Trek with ANYTHING, you'll get a whole bunch of attention.
I wrote about that in my YouTube book, and it's proven here. Actually, I think Star Wars makes it more popular these days, since the three new movies came out when a lot of the internet world were kids.

Anyway, enjoy the Holidays!

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