Eric Worre talks about what the economic climate means for you and for what he calls "The Machine"... Tell it Eric!
Showing posts with label mlm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mlm. Show all posts
Friday, October 09, 2009
Do we have a better way?
Eric Worre talks about what the economic climate means for you and for what he calls "The Machine"... Tell it Eric!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Hunters vs. Farmers...
This is one of my favorites of Eric Worre's show "Network Marketing Pro".
Duuuuude- I have been SUCH a hunter, and have been looking for ways to go from a sniper shot to a BAZOOKA!
That's what a lot of the "Sponsor 30 people a day" people sell- the Bazooka.
I've recently been changing a lot of that thought process, but the truth is it's a difficult switch to make. While watching this I had a small epiphany. The action of "Taking it away" I saw as a great TACTIC to "use" on prospects to get them to join, but I heard a voice in my head (I hear them all the time, don't worry) say "Yes, Bones, maybe- but I would suggest you use the "take away" not as a tactic on them but on YOURSELF- to remind yourself that they may NOT be for it."
Smart voice, huh?
Duuuuude- I have been SUCH a hunter, and have been looking for ways to go from a sniper shot to a BAZOOKA!
That's what a lot of the "Sponsor 30 people a day" people sell- the Bazooka.
I've recently been changing a lot of that thought process, but the truth is it's a difficult switch to make. While watching this I had a small epiphany. The action of "Taking it away" I saw as a great TACTIC to "use" on prospects to get them to join, but I heard a voice in my head (I hear them all the time, don't worry) say "Yes, Bones, maybe- but I would suggest you use the "take away" not as a tactic on them but on YOURSELF- to remind yourself that they may NOT be for it."
Smart voice, huh?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Why MLM won't last...
Why MLM Won't last.....
MLM has been around for a while, and it's about to die. For you to understand why I say that, you need to know some background...
When MLM began, it was changing from the regular salesman approach, and evolved to recruiting and leveraging salesmen because they realized that it was better to have "1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of one person's."
For example, let's say there was 1 guy selling 1000 customers a long time ago, and that guy was working too hard. To gain leverage, they decided to recruit new salesmen.
Then, they went to having 10 guys selling 100 customers- the same money, but better leverage. They improved on that by having the salesmen find more salesmen.
Then, they had 100 guys selling 10 customers.
They they realized that the salesmen had more loyalty to the products, so why not make everyone a salesmen, looking for new salesmen?
Then they had 1000 salesmen, all very loyal to the products because, after all, they were salesmen...
You see, according to the current MLM philosophy, all of the salesmen (or "Reps" or "Distributors", or "IBO's)) are selling to themselves, and are looking for other salesmen who will sell to themselves.
The problem is that someone who sells to themselves isn't a salesman anymore-
This is why MLM will die- because it will EVOLVE into something else...
Most companies don't see their reps as customers- and that's where it's been going wrong- the definition of the rep changed, but no one realized it!
When you change your paradigm, and look at the MLM industry not as reps finding reps, but CUSTOMERS FINDING CUSTOMERS, you have a MUCH different outlook on how you grow your business. More than that, you treatyour reps like valuable CUSTOMERS!
When you have reps "Motivating and training" reps, you have one behavior, when you have customers evangelizing and finding new customers, you have a different behavior.
Most people HATE being reps- but LOVE being loyal, RECOGNIZED customers.
Instead of "motivating" your reps with more money (truly, the only way an MLM seems to ever motivate a rep), you stimulate sales with promotions, contests, and FUN things to help your CUSTOMERS spread the word about their LOVE for your product and company.
A friend of mine owns a snack company ( and to stimulate sales, they got their customers to take pictures of themselves with the snacks in random places. The company president chose her favorite, (and gave prizes for most votes and such) and a few went on the website for the month.
Well, that customer obviously had to ask people to vote, and when they did, they were told ALL about Peeled Snacks. And some people bought some snacks. And of those, some bought "monthly delivery". Well, what the hell is "Monthly Delivery"?
So, an extremely silly contest (where there was no money involved) generated some new AUTOSHIP customers. If it worked for Peeled Snacks, why not make it work for an MLM?
Here's an email a CUSTOMER might send out:
"Dear friends,
Most of you guys know I LOVE Jingle Juice, and they're having a contest of who can have the most creative picture of a juice bottle. The winner gets to be on the website for a month, and I'd LOVE to win! Please go to vote for me- thanks!"
Love, Bones.
And what happens when they get to It asks them to vote on pictures, all the meanwhile playing a commercial for how great jingle juice is, and how you can order a sample for only $5, or they can order a full bottle (their vote can even count more!), and learn all about how Jingle Juice pays it's customers.
"You can also watch these videos on how so-and-so lost weight, or made enough money for a second honeymoon. Join our community called 'JingleGym' where we all help each other with our fitness goals, and raise awareness for people dying of diabetes. All available with your purchase- no wonder people all over the world like your friend Bones (whose picture and testimonial is right here) are involved with Jingle Juice."
And guess what happens when you order your bottle? We send you info on our "Paid customer program" and ask YOU to participate. "After you try our juice, you'll know why we don't have to pay Madison avenue to advertise on TV- Instead, you and your family will be our advertisement, and we'll pay you. Sound good?"
We have THIS opportunity RIGHT NOW with HUB to lead the charge of the NEW PARADIGM for MLM- someone will do this, and will be wildly successful at it- we can be FIRST.
Why MLM won't last...
Why MLM Won't last.....
MLM has been around for a while, and it's about to die. For you to understand why I say that, you need to know some background...
When MLM began, it was changing from the regular salesman approach, and evolved to recruiting and leveraging salesmen because they realized that it was better to have "1% of 100 people's efforts than 100% of one person's."
For example, let's say there was 1 guy selling 1000 customers a long time ago, and that guy was working too hard. To gain leverage, they decided to recruit new salesmen.
Then, they went to having 10 guys selling 100 customers- the same money, but better leverage. They improved on that by having the salesmen find more salesmen.
Then, they had 100 guys selling 10 customers.
They they realized that the salesmen had more loyalty to the products, so why not make everyone a salesmen, looking for new salesmen?
Then they had 1000 salesmen, all very loyal to the products because, after all, they were salesmen...
You see, according to the current MLM philosophy, all of the salesmen (or "Reps" or "Distributors", or "IBO's)) are selling to themselves, and are looking for other salesmen who will sell to themselves.
The problem is that someone who sells to themselves isn't a salesman anymore-
This is why MLM will die- because it will EVOLVE into something else...
Most companies don't see their reps as customers- and that's where it's been going wrong- the definition of the rep changed, but no one realized it!
When you change your paradigm, and look at the MLM industry not as reps finding reps, but CUSTOMERS FINDING CUSTOMERS, you have a MUCH different outlook on how you grow your business. More than that, you treatyour reps like valuable CUSTOMERS!
When you have reps "Motivating and training" reps, you have one behavior, when you have customers evangelizing and finding new customers, you have a different behavior.
Most people HATE being reps- but LOVE being loyal, RECOGNIZED customers.
Instead of "motivating" your reps with more money (truly, the only way an MLM seems to ever motivate a rep), you stimulate sales with promotions, contests, and FUN things to help your CUSTOMERS spread the word about their LOVE for your product and company.
A friend of mine owns a snack company ( and to stimulate sales, they got their customers to take pictures of themselves with the snacks in random places. The company president chose her favorite, (and gave prizes for most votes and such) and a few went on the website for the month.
Well, that customer obviously had to ask people to vote, and when they did, they were told ALL about Peeled Snacks. And some people bought some snacks. And of those, some bought "monthly delivery". Well, what the hell is "Monthly Delivery"?
So, an extremely silly contest (where there was no money involved) generated some new AUTOSHIP customers. If it worked for Peeled Snacks, why not make it work for an MLM?
Here's an email a CUSTOMER might send out:
"Dear friends,
Most of you guys know I LOVE Jingle Juice, and they're having a contest of who can have the most creative picture of a juice bottle. The winner gets to be on the website for a month, and I'd LOVE to win! Please go to vote for me- thanks!"
Love, Bones.
And what happens when they get to It asks them to vote on pictures, all the meanwhile playing a commercial for how great jingle juice is, and how you can order a sample for only $5, or they can order a full bottle (their vote can even count more!), and learn all about how Jingle Juice pays it's customers.
"You can also watch these videos on how so-and-so lost weight, or made enough money for a second honeymoon. Join our community called 'JingleGym' where we all help each other with our fitness goals, and raise awareness for people dying of diabetes. All available with your purchase- no wonder people all over the world like your friend Bones (whose picture and testimonial is right here) are involved with Jingle Juice."
And guess what happens when you order your bottle? We send you info on our "Paid customer program" and ask YOU to participate. "After you try our juice, you'll know why we don't have to pay Madison avenue to advertise on TV- Instead, you and your family will be our advertisement, and we'll pay you. Sound good?"
We have THIS opportunity RIGHT NOW with HUB to lead the charge of the NEW PARADIGM for MLM- someone will do this, and will be wildly successful at it- we can be FIRST.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Is Barack Obama the World's BEST Network Marketer?
By the time John McCain and the crazies were grabbing at straws to slow down the MOMENTUM of Barack Obama's presidential campaign, Obama had already laid his foundation, had recruited his team, and initiated the best MLM campaign the world has ever seen...
From his own mouth, Barack Obama says that his campaign for the presidency started in living rooms, dens, and porches. He said that he was talking with people who wanted HELP, people who wanted a CHANGE.
He traveled all over the country, meeting new people, and finding those who would be willing to make calls for him, introduce friends to his ideas, and work towards the common goal of CHANGE for themselves, their friends, and their children.
At first, a friend of mine declared that she was working on the campaign on facebook, and and she got a lot of flack because he was so unknown, and was still running against Hillary- a well-known politician. She was a young white well-off woman, and her commitment at the time seemed, well... weird.
Slowly, more and more people were talking about his ideas and his campaign for change. I kept hearing about it on the news and other places, and after many exposures, I started to pay attention- but I really didn't care.
Then I saw a vision of the future with McCain winning:
Once I saw that video, the campaign seemed VERY important, and VERY urgent. I guess I hd to see what the alternative was for eme to really pay attention.
Once I heard the message Obama was preaching, the vision of the future he held, and the way he wanted to accomplish this, I was converted!
I wore buttons, made calls, and solicited friends and neighbors to take action and tell THEIR friends and neighbors about Barack Obama and the campaign for Change.
I even got into a few fights, and alienated a few people- but it was the FUTURE that I was working towards- whoever wasn't joining the campaign was fine with me- but would they at least VOTE for him?
Some still said no- they were too scared of "what might happen"
Can you imagine what kind of Network Marketing business you could have if you just got a few people around you who were willing to do all of those things for you and themselves? If you were filled with a vision of the future that you wanted, along with a vision that you didn't want?
We hear all the time that this business is about leadership, and getting people to do things they normally wouldn't for themselves. But Barack Obama was able to transfer his vision of a new America to people who were tired of the life as it was, and who wanted CHANGE.
There were almost 1/2 of the people in the country who didn't believe him, who called him every name in the book, but he kept on telling us his about his vision, and his idea of CHANGE. And he kept on describing that vision.
So- what about you? As you build your business, can you take away some lessons from Barack Obama? Can you make your business more about HOPE and INSPIRATION for many rather than about your bonus check? Can you transfer your vision of the future and the CHANGE versus the vision of a few extra dollars, and still living the same way?
Can you endure people calling you "terrorist", and questioning all of your friends and family members?
I think you can- and I think you can also bring about the CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN.
Barack Obama, MLM, and The United States of America...
A number of my "MLM Friends" were big McCain fans. A lot of them bought the line about Obama being a Socialist, and we all know that MLMers are all about Capitalism and free enterprise.

However, what they might not realize is that their precious Capitalistic MLM is froaght with many, many socialist features...
It's kind of like showing someone MLM, and them screaming "PYRAMID!!"- it just takes a little bit of knowledge to see the truth:
First of all, there's really no such thing as pure capitalism- where the best product at the best price wins, and if your company is providing that best product at the best price, your company will win. There are many other factors that go into buying, and most companies feel they have th best product at the best price, so who's to say? Moreover, any disruption in that model- marketing, slogans, sale prices, and referrals all disrupt pure capitalism.

In MLM, there are may different Juice comapnies, many different pill companies, and many services, all who claim to have the best product or service. More than that, they also claim to have the best compensation plan, and a compensation plan is one of the features that is pretty fungible; meaning that the $300 you make at one company is the same as the $300 at another.
However, every compensation plan is "weighted" differently between a new person and a "heavy hitter". Some people prefer a compensation plan that is geared towards the new person, so that they comp plan pays better at the "lower levels". And yet, you want something that still rewards the "heavy hitter", so that the ambition to grow is always rewarded. A comp plan can be weighted one way to ruin, and to the other way to ruin also. Balance between the two brings success.

In the U.S., after 4 years of George W. Bush and the new republican philosophy, the comp plan for the U.S. was too heavily weighted towards the "heavy hitters" at the top, and didn't allow the small guy or the new person to prosper. That's why the U.S.'s comp plan bottomed out, and we have the recession we're in now, which will be a depression very soon.
What many of the McCain people were scared of is that Obama was going to come in and "take away" from the upper levels, in some sort of unjust robin hood way, not realizing that the plan was weighted too much on the top already. It was time to BALANCE the comp plan by putting in better incentives at the lower levels.
In order to win, McCain's camp was calling this "Socialism", but they were just trying any and everything they could to win. There was no basis for this other than Obama saying "spread the wealth around".
Instead, Obama's plans are to BALANCE the U.S.'s comp plan, so that all of the participants can benefit instead of just the heavy hitter friends of Bush's.
MLM itself already has many socialist features:
You know how we all pay for the room at an opportunity meeting? That's a Socialist idea.
You know how we ALL benefit from the company doing ads and commercials? That's a SOCIALIST IDEA.
You know how we try to work together to lift up the whole company- that's a SOCIALIST IDEA!
If we were REALLY "cut-throat Capitalists", we'd be competing for each and every recruit, and tearing each other down to get the sign-ups. No one would EVER attend an opportunity meeting, because we'd all be trying to steal each other's guests. Do some people do that? Yes- does it work for them? Not in the long run.
But this is exactly what was happening in the U.S.- the guys at "the top" were ruining the market for everyone- including themselves.
So, precious Capitalistic Network Marketers, I hope the next time you hear someone screaming "Socialism" as a way to denegrate someone else, I hope you take the time to THINK about it, rather than just assume it's a negative. As wonderful as our capitalistic ideals are, they are just as impossible as pure communism, so the best way to run a government, and an MLM is to have BALANCE.

Next article: Why Barack Obama is the World's BEST Network Marketer...
However, what they might not realize is that their precious Capitalistic MLM is froaght with many, many socialist features...
It's kind of like showing someone MLM, and them screaming "PYRAMID!!"- it just takes a little bit of knowledge to see the truth:
First of all, there's really no such thing as pure capitalism- where the best product at the best price wins, and if your company is providing that best product at the best price, your company will win. There are many other factors that go into buying, and most companies feel they have th best product at the best price, so who's to say? Moreover, any disruption in that model- marketing, slogans, sale prices, and referrals all disrupt pure capitalism.
In MLM, there are may different Juice comapnies, many different pill companies, and many services, all who claim to have the best product or service. More than that, they also claim to have the best compensation plan, and a compensation plan is one of the features that is pretty fungible; meaning that the $300 you make at one company is the same as the $300 at another.
However, every compensation plan is "weighted" differently between a new person and a "heavy hitter". Some people prefer a compensation plan that is geared towards the new person, so that they comp plan pays better at the "lower levels". And yet, you want something that still rewards the "heavy hitter", so that the ambition to grow is always rewarded. A comp plan can be weighted one way to ruin, and to the other way to ruin also. Balance between the two brings success.
In the U.S., after 4 years of George W. Bush and the new republican philosophy, the comp plan for the U.S. was too heavily weighted towards the "heavy hitters" at the top, and didn't allow the small guy or the new person to prosper. That's why the U.S.'s comp plan bottomed out, and we have the recession we're in now, which will be a depression very soon.
What many of the McCain people were scared of is that Obama was going to come in and "take away" from the upper levels, in some sort of unjust robin hood way, not realizing that the plan was weighted too much on the top already. It was time to BALANCE the comp plan by putting in better incentives at the lower levels.
In order to win, McCain's camp was calling this "Socialism", but they were just trying any and everything they could to win. There was no basis for this other than Obama saying "spread the wealth around".
Instead, Obama's plans are to BALANCE the U.S.'s comp plan, so that all of the participants can benefit instead of just the heavy hitter friends of Bush's.
MLM itself already has many socialist features:
You know how we all pay for the room at an opportunity meeting? That's a Socialist idea.
You know how we ALL benefit from the company doing ads and commercials? That's a SOCIALIST IDEA.
You know how we try to work together to lift up the whole company- that's a SOCIALIST IDEA!
If we were REALLY "cut-throat Capitalists", we'd be competing for each and every recruit, and tearing each other down to get the sign-ups. No one would EVER attend an opportunity meeting, because we'd all be trying to steal each other's guests. Do some people do that? Yes- does it work for them? Not in the long run.
But this is exactly what was happening in the U.S.- the guys at "the top" were ruining the market for everyone- including themselves.
So, precious Capitalistic Network Marketers, I hope the next time you hear someone screaming "Socialism" as a way to denegrate someone else, I hope you take the time to THINK about it, rather than just assume it's a negative. As wonderful as our capitalistic ideals are, they are just as impossible as pure communism, so the best way to run a government, and an MLM is to have BALANCE.
Next article: Why Barack Obama is the World's BEST Network Marketer...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The FREE System that Rocks my world!
I just want to reiterate again how impressed I am with the Spiderweb system.
The way it's set up is 100% FREE, and it includes all of this amazing stuff.
I use a personal domain name for it:
Because it just works better that way- don'tcha think?
While everyone is busy "Acting as if", I'm just doing my thing, enjoying life, and the system does the rest.
By the way, if you're reading this, you have nothing to lose by checking it out,
and EVERYTHING to gain.
The way it's set up is 100% FREE, and it includes all of this amazing stuff.
I use a personal domain name for it:
Because it just works better that way- don'tcha think?
While everyone is busy "Acting as if", I'm just doing my thing, enjoying life, and the system does the rest.
By the way, if you're reading this, you have nothing to lose by checking it out,
and EVERYTHING to gain.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Internet Marketers are full of SH*T!!!!!
I was having a talk today with a very entrepreneurial friend, and we got to discussing the whole "Info-preneuring" thing. That's when you sell your expertise about something. You could say my book, Captain Kirk's Guide To Women is like that.
However, we were talking about a person who teaches this from an online aspect, and well.... she is NOT an expert. I've learned that if you make $5 doing something, you'll make $25 teaching other people to make that 5. So, it reminded me of something I wrote a while that can be found here:
Here it is:
"Internet Marketers" are:
Bones Rodriguez Tells the TRUTH and challenges the rest of them to do the same- and you Get the WHOLE STORY!
Date: Monday March 17, 2008
From: Bones Rodriguez- Actor, Author, Entrepreneur
Let me explain what I mean:
At first, the sheep newbie buys a whole lot of information from guru internet marketers whom they admire because everyone realizes that working 40 hours a week for 40 years is a recipe for misery and poverty.
After spending a lifetime of money on everyone’s ideas, the sheep learns some concepts and techniques, and gets up the guts to put them to work. They MIGHT have their own business, but quickly discover that:
it’s FAR easier to sell to the “internet marketing” crowd than any other.
As the crowd gets bigger and bigger, only a small percentage throw their hat into the “guru” ring- the pie grows faster than the new gurus can proclaim themselves.
So, they start becoming “affiliates” using the same information. Maybe they even write their own.
There’s nothing wrong with any of this.
After a while of learning to “build a list”, they start promoting their own products to the list. After they have made a few sales, they realize that they actually CAN create an income, and even learn to recommend other people’s stuff.
This is where the slope gets slippery, and the sheep changes into a wolf.
Having run out of their own information, and having run out of sales, the wolf looks to the “other guys” to either be affiliates for them, or knock-off someone else’s information, repackage it, and sell that too.
Suddenly, they’re part of the “in” crowd, where they buddy-up with other wolves, and wear each other’s sheep costumes; “promoting” each other, but really just shearing the same people over and over.
And the wolf who gives the biggest kick-back wins.
I can’t help but twinge a little every time I notice someone does a “big roll-out” of some product that’s basically a knock-off of someone else’s, and the wolves all promote it to each other’s sheep.
They have a big celebration, and pat each other on the back:
“So-and-so made $100,000 in one day! You can do it too!”-
They’re not lying; the guy DID make that- and they’re happy because they all know that next week, it’ll be their turn.
When everyone is selling the same thing, no one is selling anything.
I was headed down this path; I was writing new stuff, and finding new people, and started to get to know a few of the gurus.
They’re stressed out, constantly needing to make new products, and FEED on each other’s lists like junkies.
Again, they didn’t MEAN to do it; it just came with the territory. And now they’re trapped, because stopping would mean going back to misery and poverty.
If a sheep wanted help, their usual answer was another product that addressed their particular problem. If they didn’t learn it, it’s their responsibility.
Whereas it MIGHT help the sheep, it DEFINITELY helped the seller.
I’m not saying that it’s on purpose, and I’m not saying everyone does this; actually, most of the information given out is great. However, if we’re all saying the same thing, and all promoting each other, all while shearing the newbie sheep, there’s something wrong, isn’t there?
I say “we” because I was headed in that direction, but I had to stop. I wish I could sit here and say that the moral implications are what stopped me, but they weren’t-
I just wasn’t good at it.
Sure, I could have learned, and I could have “buddied-up” better, but I just didn’t. Somewhere I knew it was all wrong, and I felt like a fraud.
Fortunately, I found something that pays me based on how well I help OTHER people.
If I shear them, I get almost nothing.
But if I HELP THEM, then I get paid wonderfully.
So, I’m inviting YOU to help me actually HELP people, and get paid based on it.
To get paid on actually HELPING PEOPLE create an income, and HELPING them learn the new mindsets, new attitudes and new successes that the new world needs.
The whole “promoting each others’ stuff” is getting ridiculous, and leaning towards the immoral.
You HAVE TO know what I‘ve been describing.
Yeah, you do.
Again, I’m not saying that it’s on purpose or insidious, but I AM saying that someone has to stop it-
I’m asking if you’ll help me rescue the sheep, find them a home, and STILL be paid residually and magnificently.
If that sounds like a challenge you’d like to take on, email me.
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men,
However, we were talking about a person who teaches this from an online aspect, and well.... she is NOT an expert. I've learned that if you make $5 doing something, you'll make $25 teaching other people to make that 5. So, it reminded me of something I wrote a while that can be found here:
Here it is:
"Internet Marketers" are:
Bones Rodriguez Tells the TRUTH and challenges the rest of them to do the same- and you Get the WHOLE STORY!
Date: Monday March 17, 2008
From: Bones Rodriguez- Actor, Author, Entrepreneur
Let me explain what I mean:
At first, the sheep newbie buys a whole lot of information from guru internet marketers whom they admire because everyone realizes that working 40 hours a week for 40 years is a recipe for misery and poverty.
After spending a lifetime of money on everyone’s ideas, the sheep learns some concepts and techniques, and gets up the guts to put them to work. They MIGHT have their own business, but quickly discover that:
it’s FAR easier to sell to the “internet marketing” crowd than any other.
As the crowd gets bigger and bigger, only a small percentage throw their hat into the “guru” ring- the pie grows faster than the new gurus can proclaim themselves.
So, they start becoming “affiliates” using the same information. Maybe they even write their own.
There’s nothing wrong with any of this.
After a while of learning to “build a list”, they start promoting their own products to the list. After they have made a few sales, they realize that they actually CAN create an income, and even learn to recommend other people’s stuff.
This is where the slope gets slippery, and the sheep changes into a wolf.
Having run out of their own information, and having run out of sales, the wolf looks to the “other guys” to either be affiliates for them, or knock-off someone else’s information, repackage it, and sell that too.
Suddenly, they’re part of the “in” crowd, where they buddy-up with other wolves, and wear each other’s sheep costumes; “promoting” each other, but really just shearing the same people over and over.
And the wolf who gives the biggest kick-back wins.
I can’t help but twinge a little every time I notice someone does a “big roll-out” of some product that’s basically a knock-off of someone else’s, and the wolves all promote it to each other’s sheep.
They have a big celebration, and pat each other on the back:
“So-and-so made $100,000 in one day! You can do it too!”-
They’re not lying; the guy DID make that- and they’re happy because they all know that next week, it’ll be their turn.
When everyone is selling the same thing, no one is selling anything.
I was headed down this path; I was writing new stuff, and finding new people, and started to get to know a few of the gurus.
They’re stressed out, constantly needing to make new products, and FEED on each other’s lists like junkies.
Again, they didn’t MEAN to do it; it just came with the territory. And now they’re trapped, because stopping would mean going back to misery and poverty.
If a sheep wanted help, their usual answer was another product that addressed their particular problem. If they didn’t learn it, it’s their responsibility.
Whereas it MIGHT help the sheep, it DEFINITELY helped the seller.
I’m not saying that it’s on purpose, and I’m not saying everyone does this; actually, most of the information given out is great. However, if we’re all saying the same thing, and all promoting each other, all while shearing the newbie sheep, there’s something wrong, isn’t there?
I say “we” because I was headed in that direction, but I had to stop. I wish I could sit here and say that the moral implications are what stopped me, but they weren’t-
I just wasn’t good at it.
Sure, I could have learned, and I could have “buddied-up” better, but I just didn’t. Somewhere I knew it was all wrong, and I felt like a fraud.
Fortunately, I found something that pays me based on how well I help OTHER people.
If I shear them, I get almost nothing.
But if I HELP THEM, then I get paid wonderfully.
So, I’m inviting YOU to help me actually HELP people, and get paid based on it.
To get paid on actually HELPING PEOPLE create an income, and HELPING them learn the new mindsets, new attitudes and new successes that the new world needs.
The whole “promoting each others’ stuff” is getting ridiculous, and leaning towards the immoral.
You HAVE TO know what I‘ve been describing.
Yeah, you do.
Again, I’m not saying that it’s on purpose or insidious, but I AM saying that someone has to stop it-
I’m asking if you’ll help me rescue the sheep, find them a home, and STILL be paid residually and magnificently.
If that sounds like a challenge you’d like to take on, email me.
Let Your Light So Shine Before Men,
Monday, July 09, 2007
"You want fries with that?"
Do you know how to talk?
When we begin our Network Marketing businesses, sometimes it feels weird to TALK.
We are given scripts and exact words to duplicate, and it can feel fake, foreign and phony. Eric Worre said in his training:
"After they see the DVD, just say 'Did you get it?', and see what they say. If they say 'yes', then you say 'Great- are you ready to get started?' if not, then lead them to the next exposure."
It seems Unnatural.
Even as an actor, I actually HATE memorizing scripts, and would MUCH rather be improvisational about my acting AND my business. But then I thought about it differently.
We have franchises; personal franchises. When you order a burger at a burger franchise, someone will ask you "Would you like fries with that?" immediately.
It is fake, foreign and phony.
And it works.
Since we have our own personal franchises, why not just use the scripts, just like they do at McDonald's?
I guess from now on, I'd better brush up on my lines- Thanks Eric!
When we begin our Network Marketing businesses, sometimes it feels weird to TALK.
We are given scripts and exact words to duplicate, and it can feel fake, foreign and phony. Eric Worre said in his training:
"After they see the DVD, just say 'Did you get it?', and see what they say. If they say 'yes', then you say 'Great- are you ready to get started?' if not, then lead them to the next exposure."
It seems Unnatural.
Even as an actor, I actually HATE memorizing scripts, and would MUCH rather be improvisational about my acting AND my business. But then I thought about it differently.
We have franchises; personal franchises. When you order a burger at a burger franchise, someone will ask you "Would you like fries with that?" immediately.
It is fake, foreign and phony.
And it works.
Since we have our own personal franchises, why not just use the scripts, just like they do at McDonald's?
I guess from now on, I'd better brush up on my lines- Thanks Eric!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Ok, so NOW I get it!
I went away last weekend to ORLANDO for our big "MASTERMIND" weekend, and I had a blast! Not only did I learn SO much, but I met with and partied with a whole big group of people!
And as you now, I like to party.
Here's a pic of me at the 70's party.

I figured I can go shirtless for a little while longer- I AM 35 now... Laura came with me, and I think she NOW understands why I am so excited. I have been writing my Star Trek Book, but I keep thinking about this business when I'm not writing.
Anyway, here's the plan:
1- Show them the DVD
2- Get them to an online event
3- Get them to a ABB or a local event.
Show them to do it too!
And as you now, I like to party.
Here's a pic of me at the 70's party.
I figured I can go shirtless for a little while longer- I AM 35 now... Laura came with me, and I think she NOW understands why I am so excited. I have been writing my Star Trek Book, but I keep thinking about this business when I'm not writing.
Anyway, here's the plan:
1- Show them the DVD
2- Get them to an online event
3- Get them to a ABB or a local event.
Show them to do it too!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Why your palm hurts....
I LOVE my cellphone/pda the TREO 650.
This love for my device has a good lesson in it- and
it's not what you think.
It's ok to love an inanimate object.
Excuse me-
wait a second-
this message is to tell you why I now HATE
by cellphone/pda TREO 650.
I found out recently that the pictures I have been taking and saving to my
computer were actually NOT being saved to it.
I figured it was something I had done wrong, but after spending an HOUR
with 4 different people from PALMONE, found out that the software that
connects my phone to my computer ONLY does that if you use the software
FROM THE CD that came with the device.
That means that the software (of the same name) that I had to DOWNLOAD from THEIR
site- the "UPGRADED" version does NOT have that functionality.
I asked why not- as any customer would, and the answer was that they
didn't have the rights to send it online, only with a CD.
"Sure- that'll be $19.95"
HELL NO. I bought the damn thing, I used the CD, but eventually had to UPGRADE, and now they said that I have to PAY to get the functions that were supposed to be there to begin with?
That was after an hour, by the way.
So guess what? I'm going to get the CD from a friend who still has his,
and then instead of getting the NEW TREO 700, or 750, or 800,
I'll be buying an I-Phone.
I think you should too.
F*CK PalmOne.
So what's the lesson? Don't THROW your customers to your competitors
by being stupid.
I LOVE my cellphone/pda the TREO 650.
This love for my device has a good lesson in it- and
it's not what you think.
It's ok to love an inanimate object.
Excuse me-
wait a second-
this message is to tell you why I now HATE
by cellphone/pda TREO 650.
I found out recently that the pictures I have been taking and saving to my
computer were actually NOT being saved to it.
I figured it was something I had done wrong, but after spending an HOUR
with 4 different people from PALMONE, found out that the software that
connects my phone to my computer ONLY does that if you use the software
FROM THE CD that came with the device.
That means that the software (of the same name) that I had to DOWNLOAD from THEIR
site- the "UPGRADED" version does NOT have that functionality.
I asked why not- as any customer would, and the answer was that they
didn't have the rights to send it online, only with a CD.
"Sure- that'll be $19.95"
HELL NO. I bought the damn thing, I used the CD, but eventually had to UPGRADE, and now they said that I have to PAY to get the functions that were supposed to be there to begin with?
That was after an hour, by the way.
So guess what? I'm going to get the CD from a friend who still has his,
and then instead of getting the NEW TREO 700, or 750, or 800,
I'll be buying an I-Phone.
I think you should too.
F*CK PalmOne.
So what's the lesson? Don't THROW your customers to your competitors
by being stupid.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
A Mutha-F*%kin P-I-M-P...
I am ALWAYS telling people to put their money in different places.
I like to take money from businesses and buy real estate.
At least, that's the plan right now.
Gangsta Rapper 50 Cent has a different plan:
According to, Coca Cola has purchased Glaceau, the creator of the highly successful Vitamin Water franchise for $4.1 billion dollars. 50 Cent, who owns 10% of the business, will earn over $400 million dollars from the transaction.
Not bad for Rhyming over beats, huh?
I am ALWAYS telling people to put their money in different places.
I like to take money from businesses and buy real estate.
At least, that's the plan right now.
Gangsta Rapper 50 Cent has a different plan:
According to, Coca Cola has purchased Glaceau, the creator of the highly successful Vitamin Water franchise for $4.1 billion dollars. 50 Cent, who owns 10% of the business, will earn over $400 million dollars from the transaction.
Not bad for Rhyming over beats, huh?
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Your Commercial Sucks- Dominoe's Pizza
There is a commercial on right now for Dominoes where there is a couple in a hot tub, and just when they are about to kiss, the dominoes delivery guy says "3 medium Pizzas for 5 bucks?" or something like that. Actually sounds like a good deal.
The woman then eyes the pizzas, and they cut. When we come back, we see that the woman left BOTH of the guys in the tub alone.
That does NOT make me want to get Pizza. The lesson I learned in that commercial was that if I get those pizzas, I'll LOSE the girl!
I guess I had better NOT buy those pizzas- even if it IS a good deal!!
Your commercial SUCKS Dominoes.
There is a commercial on right now for Dominoes where there is a couple in a hot tub, and just when they are about to kiss, the dominoes delivery guy says "3 medium Pizzas for 5 bucks?" or something like that. Actually sounds like a good deal.
The woman then eyes the pizzas, and they cut. When we come back, we see that the woman left BOTH of the guys in the tub alone.
That does NOT make me want to get Pizza. The lesson I learned in that commercial was that if I get those pizzas, I'll LOSE the girl!
I guess I had better NOT buy those pizzas- even if it IS a good deal!!
Your commercial SUCKS Dominoes.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
The BEST Scam Ever!!
Ok- so you don't care WHAT you do, what the hell kind of opportunity, business, or scam that you can get into, you just wanna get some cash, be successful, and rock the world, right?
I don't blame you.
Well I have a BIG secret for you- a BIG SECRET that the government, society, and your friends don't want you to know- a secret SO POWERFUL, that it can make you Rich, Beautiful, and best of all- RIGHT all the time!
Listen carefully to part one:
1- You can get RICH by doing PRACTICALLY NOTHING!!
All you have to do is investigate any or all of the opportunities you see, spend ALL of your money on CD's, DVD's, Beer, and hookers- then you sit back and watch the cash roll in! DO NOT attempt to READ anything or LEARN anything, just BUY IT. DO NOT follow any directions, and for GOD'S SAKE watch ALL of the TV you can- but don't TRY too hard!
That's right- just by being lazy and doing NOTHING you can get rich! The government doesn't want you to know these CAREFULLY GUARDED SECRETS, but I'm telling you-
You can do NOTHING- just be sure to BLAME everyone else for your "misfortune".
This BLAME is the key! You can GUILT people into giving you money!!
That's how simple it is!!! Just DO NOTHING to make money, and then GUILT someone who IS making money and being "productive" into giving you some!
These tactics were long-guarded secrets, but humans forgot about them. We now are living in an age that makes this possible again!
This time-tested secret works not only with money, but with OTHER parts of your life too:
2- You can become BEAUTIFUL and FIT by doing PRACTICALLY NOTHING!!
DO NOT exercise, and DO NOT eat well. In fact, if you sit in front of the television, and ONLY EAT what is advertised and is in a box, you'll do very well with this ancient secret.
Continue to SHOVEL food into your mouth, and be sure not to burn any calories doing it- then when you get FAT and SICK, you can blame the government, food companies, your parents, and SOCIETY for your "health issues"!
By using this BLAMING technique, you'll be able to GUILT them all into paying your medical bills, insurance costs (they rise y'know), and you'll get them to visit YOU because of your new-found "conditions".
Not to mention that you can GUILT them into liking you!
If you become unattractive to the opposite sex, you can call them shallow and one-dimensional. You can say things like "They just want us to be perfect". You can say that they have NO DEPTH of LOVE for your "true" self, and only your body.
And if you find someone who DOES like your new look and shape, you can guilt them for having a "sick-o fetish" for fatties- DON'T PUT UP WITH IT!!
Guilt and Shame- they work EVERYTIME!!
This one I admit takes a little genuine idea-creating on your side, but if you practice, it's something you can do anywhere, anytime, and it NEVER FAILS:
During any conversation where you think someone is saying something that you disagree with (or even if they don't say it, but they LOOK like someone who would), just say these words:
If they begin to talk, or ask any STUPID QUESTIONS that might contradict you, CUT THEM OFF and say again:
This is a fool-proof way to ALWAYS BE RIGHT, and NEVER have to listen to anyone else again!
You use the same BLAME and GUILT techniques I've been describing for you- you BLAME GOD by saying that it's what "HE" (or "SHE" if you're having THAT argument) says, and then GUILT them by being shocked that they don't know that already- AS THEY SHOULD.
This works for Jews, Muslims, and Christians the best, but if you're of a DIFFERENT faith that is 100% correct all the time too, you can make up your OWN bible, or just say "HE (or SHE) TOLD ME IN PRAYER"- that works too.
So remember- BLAME and GUILT are ALWAYS available to you, and the more your practice the more you will be
Ok- so you don't care WHAT you do, what the hell kind of opportunity, business, or scam that you can get into, you just wanna get some cash, be successful, and rock the world, right?
I don't blame you.
Well I have a BIG secret for you- a BIG SECRET that the government, society, and your friends don't want you to know- a secret SO POWERFUL, that it can make you Rich, Beautiful, and best of all- RIGHT all the time!
Listen carefully to part one:
1- You can get RICH by doing PRACTICALLY NOTHING!!
All you have to do is investigate any or all of the opportunities you see, spend ALL of your money on CD's, DVD's, Beer, and hookers- then you sit back and watch the cash roll in! DO NOT attempt to READ anything or LEARN anything, just BUY IT. DO NOT follow any directions, and for GOD'S SAKE watch ALL of the TV you can- but don't TRY too hard!
That's right- just by being lazy and doing NOTHING you can get rich! The government doesn't want you to know these CAREFULLY GUARDED SECRETS, but I'm telling you-
You can do NOTHING- just be sure to BLAME everyone else for your "misfortune".
This BLAME is the key! You can GUILT people into giving you money!!
That's how simple it is!!! Just DO NOTHING to make money, and then GUILT someone who IS making money and being "productive" into giving you some!
These tactics were long-guarded secrets, but humans forgot about them. We now are living in an age that makes this possible again!
This time-tested secret works not only with money, but with OTHER parts of your life too:
2- You can become BEAUTIFUL and FIT by doing PRACTICALLY NOTHING!!
DO NOT exercise, and DO NOT eat well. In fact, if you sit in front of the television, and ONLY EAT what is advertised and is in a box, you'll do very well with this ancient secret.
Continue to SHOVEL food into your mouth, and be sure not to burn any calories doing it- then when you get FAT and SICK, you can blame the government, food companies, your parents, and SOCIETY for your "health issues"!
By using this BLAMING technique, you'll be able to GUILT them all into paying your medical bills, insurance costs (they rise y'know), and you'll get them to visit YOU because of your new-found "conditions".
Not to mention that you can GUILT them into liking you!
If you become unattractive to the opposite sex, you can call them shallow and one-dimensional. You can say things like "They just want us to be perfect". You can say that they have NO DEPTH of LOVE for your "true" self, and only your body.
And if you find someone who DOES like your new look and shape, you can guilt them for having a "sick-o fetish" for fatties- DON'T PUT UP WITH IT!!
Guilt and Shame- they work EVERYTIME!!
This one I admit takes a little genuine idea-creating on your side, but if you practice, it's something you can do anywhere, anytime, and it NEVER FAILS:
During any conversation where you think someone is saying something that you disagree with (or even if they don't say it, but they LOOK like someone who would), just say these words:
If they begin to talk, or ask any STUPID QUESTIONS that might contradict you, CUT THEM OFF and say again:
This is a fool-proof way to ALWAYS BE RIGHT, and NEVER have to listen to anyone else again!
You use the same BLAME and GUILT techniques I've been describing for you- you BLAME GOD by saying that it's what "HE" (or "SHE" if you're having THAT argument) says, and then GUILT them by being shocked that they don't know that already- AS THEY SHOULD.
This works for Jews, Muslims, and Christians the best, but if you're of a DIFFERENT faith that is 100% correct all the time too, you can make up your OWN bible, or just say "HE (or SHE) TOLD ME IN PRAYER"- that works too.
So remember- BLAME and GUILT are ALWAYS available to you, and the more your practice the more you will be
What IS Money?
Man Alive! There was a time when I just spent money as fast as I had it.
I think it had something to do with not understanding what money was.
I used to think that it was created to be spent, and it didn't matter what it was spent on, but as long as I didn't have it- it was ok.
Maybe it had something to do with always seeing people around me doing that, or because I had some issues about my skin color! Maybe it was just that I didn't have anyone to tell me what money really is-
The energy of CHOICE.
When you have more money, you have more choices-
everyone knows that, but what you maybe don't know is that the less money you have, the less choices you have.
When you've got it, you can choose your doctors, your education, your friends. When you don't, you are going to the worst places, the worst people, and the worst friends. that's right- I said it.
Poor people make WORSE friends because they'll sell you out for enough money! Hell, I'd trade you in right now! - just kidding.... (well, wait- how much?) but you know what I mean.
Poor people do NOT go to the best doctors, and they don't get to go to the best schools. If you start to think of money as energy, and choice energy, then maybe those new sneakers won't be so cool.
Or maybe buying that STUPID ASS ringtone won't be so alluring.
Now, don't get me wrong- if you want these things, then great, but I just want you to realize that you are taking away from some of your other choices, or rather that if you want that, and the same choice, then you should make more money.
There is enough money in the world for everyone, just as there are enough choices for everyone, but some of us squander it. I used to do that all the time, and I can't say that this energy idea came as a flash. It came slowly, as I realized my friends spent money on things that I slowly lost interest in.
Wow- Drugs are a waste of time! I mean, they can be fun, I guess, but they're just not something that you should INVEST IN, y'know?
So, think about that- when you are investing TIME and ENERGY (both are money), make SURE you know where you want it to go.
Man Alive! There was a time when I just spent money as fast as I had it.
I think it had something to do with not understanding what money was.
I used to think that it was created to be spent, and it didn't matter what it was spent on, but as long as I didn't have it- it was ok.
Maybe it had something to do with always seeing people around me doing that, or because I had some issues about my skin color! Maybe it was just that I didn't have anyone to tell me what money really is-
The energy of CHOICE.
When you have more money, you have more choices-
everyone knows that, but what you maybe don't know is that the less money you have, the less choices you have.
When you've got it, you can choose your doctors, your education, your friends. When you don't, you are going to the worst places, the worst people, and the worst friends. that's right- I said it.
Poor people make WORSE friends because they'll sell you out for enough money! Hell, I'd trade you in right now! - just kidding.... (well, wait- how much?) but you know what I mean.
Poor people do NOT go to the best doctors, and they don't get to go to the best schools. If you start to think of money as energy, and choice energy, then maybe those new sneakers won't be so cool.
Or maybe buying that STUPID ASS ringtone won't be so alluring.
Now, don't get me wrong- if you want these things, then great, but I just want you to realize that you are taking away from some of your other choices, or rather that if you want that, and the same choice, then you should make more money.
There is enough money in the world for everyone, just as there are enough choices for everyone, but some of us squander it. I used to do that all the time, and I can't say that this energy idea came as a flash. It came slowly, as I realized my friends spent money on things that I slowly lost interest in.
Wow- Drugs are a waste of time! I mean, they can be fun, I guess, but they're just not something that you should INVEST IN, y'know?
So, think about that- when you are investing TIME and ENERGY (both are money), make SURE you know where you want it to go.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
There's a plague in the world.
In the world of HALO, a game on the XBOX 360, the main
character can fight and overcome amazing odds- including
destroying a planet full of Zombie-like mutants.
However, this plague is invincible.
It's the plague of QUITTING.
Whenever I play HALO online with people from all over the world,
what ruins the game is the inevitable QUITTING of some of the players.
What can begin as a challenging 4-on-4 deathmatch can quickly deteriorate
into a boring 2-on-4 stompfest.
Boring for the 2, and REALLY boring for the 4.
You can't have a good game when people quit before it's over.
The winners don't feel like winners, and the losers feel cheated.
And of course, this is not just about HALO, but about anything-
including the game of life- so many people quit before the game is over;
It's no wonder that people have trouble being happy.
You either WIN or you LEARN, but when you quit, you LOSE.
There's a plague in the world.
In the world of HALO, a game on the XBOX 360, the main
character can fight and overcome amazing odds- including
destroying a planet full of Zombie-like mutants.
However, this plague is invincible.
It's the plague of QUITTING.
Whenever I play HALO online with people from all over the world,
what ruins the game is the inevitable QUITTING of some of the players.
What can begin as a challenging 4-on-4 deathmatch can quickly deteriorate
into a boring 2-on-4 stompfest.
Boring for the 2, and REALLY boring for the 4.
You can't have a good game when people quit before it's over.
The winners don't feel like winners, and the losers feel cheated.
And of course, this is not just about HALO, but about anything-
including the game of life- so many people quit before the game is over;
It's no wonder that people have trouble being happy.
You either WIN or you LEARN, but when you quit, you LOSE.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Tough as MORTAR...
Last week I invited one of my customers to, and she immediately got angry with me:
"All you guys do is promote stuff, and then never help anyone, and then I spend all
this money, and never make anything!"
Well, I was a little taken aback.
"You're ALL SCAMMERS" she said.
But instead of explaining what "Personal Responsibility" meant, I decided to dig a little deeper.
Turns out that she had just bought some "Ebay business marketing package" for $3700 and she was very frustrated. She said that it came with loads of info, but it was too much to digest, and with what she did, she had not made any money at all.
I asked her a bunch of questions, and it sounded like it was a good deal, with a lot of info, but just too much for her to handle.
I then asked her what she did with the product she bought from me for $57.
$3643 dollars less.
She had created a site about smoothies and health products, but really hadn't made any money with that either.
She sent me to the site, and I could see why.
She had done the EASIEST thing to do with my system, which of course SO MANY others had done, so the competition was knocking her out. She couldn't make any money because other people were doing what she was doing, but doing it BETTER.
So, I asked her some more about herself.
At first she got mad and angry when she told me that she has spent a ton of money on work-at-home things- which she called "scams"- but had never turned a profit.
I asked what else she did.
And that's when she said it.
I laughed and had to ask her again.
She said it, and I had to ask for clarification.
She said "Well, I have a hobby of creating mortar garden fountains by hand"
Not only that, but she made them for her friends and neighbors. She loved doing it, and she often went to the store to find different rocks and stones to build them.
SO I asked her the $1 MILLION dollar question:
"If you can do THAT, why on EARTH are you making Websites about SMOOTHIES?"
"..." was her answer.
I told her that what she was doing was a skill that people would LOVE to learn.
Not only that, but they would PAY HER to teach it.
MOREOVER, they would buy books about it, dvds about it, and live advice.
They would even hire her to make them and have them sent.
Then I gave her my BEST secret about what she should do with it.
I explained that THIS is where her business should be.
Mind you, this phone call was almost an hour long, and she got my time for free.
I explained to her how she could use some of the ideas and techniques in the system she got from me to implement her MORTAR FOUNTAIN business.
On top of that- I told her how she could use what she learned in the $3700 course on Ebay for selling her fountains and her skills on Ebay.
She was excited.
I could hear her breathing go from shallow angry breaths to deep, fast breaths.
I could tell her head was swimming with possibilities.
I told her how she could make a TON of money doing what she loved, and that all she had to do was apply what she had spent all this time learning.
I could hear her smile was reaching from ear to ear.
Then she said it.
Bomb #1:
She said "But I don't know anyone who's interested in that"
I told her- "you are- and you cannot be the only one. That's what the internet is FOR- to FIND people who have your passion for the same thing"
Then she said another:
She said "But I couldn't describe how I do it in a book"
I told her- "Sure you can, and you can have someone interview you about it, and you can just talk. You can create ANYTHING around it."
Then she said another. And another. And another.
EXCUSES that were really just her fears.
I had to raise my voice at her!
I told her that HER WEALTH was right in front of her right now, and she was CHOOSING to fail before she even got started.
She recognized it, and smiled big.
Took a deep breath, and said words I LOVE to hear:
"Bones, you're right!"
Hahaha! Jackpot!
She told me she would think about what I said, and maybe get started.
I was thrilled and excited because I was able to help someone who started the conversation by calling me a scammer, and help her find EXACTLY what would make her happy and wealthy.
I even told Laura this story later that day, and I have been thinking about her for a week.
I decided to call her today to see how she had fared, and if I could help her-
Just 'cuz I'm a good guy like that.
Y'know what?
She had done NOTHING.
She told me that she couldn't make a dvd because she didn't have a digital camera.
Oh well.
Another one bites the dust.
At least I know now that it was HER ALL ALONG.
I wish I had a happy ending for this story, but right now, it's just dead.
I certainly hope she chooses differently, and it got me thinking about in what way do I refuse success?
Actually, I think I already know the answer to that.
I gotta go now- I have to go call Steven Spielberg!
Last week I invited one of my customers to, and she immediately got angry with me:
"All you guys do is promote stuff, and then never help anyone, and then I spend all
this money, and never make anything!"
Well, I was a little taken aback.
"You're ALL SCAMMERS" she said.
But instead of explaining what "Personal Responsibility" meant, I decided to dig a little deeper.
Turns out that she had just bought some "Ebay business marketing package" for $3700 and she was very frustrated. She said that it came with loads of info, but it was too much to digest, and with what she did, she had not made any money at all.
I asked her a bunch of questions, and it sounded like it was a good deal, with a lot of info, but just too much for her to handle.
I then asked her what she did with the product she bought from me for $57.
$3643 dollars less.
She had created a site about smoothies and health products, but really hadn't made any money with that either.
She sent me to the site, and I could see why.
She had done the EASIEST thing to do with my system, which of course SO MANY others had done, so the competition was knocking her out. She couldn't make any money because other people were doing what she was doing, but doing it BETTER.
So, I asked her some more about herself.
At first she got mad and angry when she told me that she has spent a ton of money on work-at-home things- which she called "scams"- but had never turned a profit.
I asked what else she did.
And that's when she said it.
I laughed and had to ask her again.
She said it, and I had to ask for clarification.
She said "Well, I have a hobby of creating mortar garden fountains by hand"
Not only that, but she made them for her friends and neighbors. She loved doing it, and she often went to the store to find different rocks and stones to build them.
SO I asked her the $1 MILLION dollar question:
"If you can do THAT, why on EARTH are you making Websites about SMOOTHIES?"
"..." was her answer.
I told her that what she was doing was a skill that people would LOVE to learn.
Not only that, but they would PAY HER to teach it.
MOREOVER, they would buy books about it, dvds about it, and live advice.
They would even hire her to make them and have them sent.
Then I gave her my BEST secret about what she should do with it.
I explained that THIS is where her business should be.
Mind you, this phone call was almost an hour long, and she got my time for free.
I explained to her how she could use some of the ideas and techniques in the system she got from me to implement her MORTAR FOUNTAIN business.
On top of that- I told her how she could use what she learned in the $3700 course on Ebay for selling her fountains and her skills on Ebay.
She was excited.
I could hear her breathing go from shallow angry breaths to deep, fast breaths.
I could tell her head was swimming with possibilities.
I told her how she could make a TON of money doing what she loved, and that all she had to do was apply what she had spent all this time learning.
I could hear her smile was reaching from ear to ear.
Then she said it.
Bomb #1:
She said "But I don't know anyone who's interested in that"
I told her- "you are- and you cannot be the only one. That's what the internet is FOR- to FIND people who have your passion for the same thing"
Then she said another:
She said "But I couldn't describe how I do it in a book"
I told her- "Sure you can, and you can have someone interview you about it, and you can just talk. You can create ANYTHING around it."
Then she said another. And another. And another.
EXCUSES that were really just her fears.
I had to raise my voice at her!
I told her that HER WEALTH was right in front of her right now, and she was CHOOSING to fail before she even got started.
She recognized it, and smiled big.
Took a deep breath, and said words I LOVE to hear:
"Bones, you're right!"
Hahaha! Jackpot!
She told me she would think about what I said, and maybe get started.
I was thrilled and excited because I was able to help someone who started the conversation by calling me a scammer, and help her find EXACTLY what would make her happy and wealthy.
I even told Laura this story later that day, and I have been thinking about her for a week.
I decided to call her today to see how she had fared, and if I could help her-
Just 'cuz I'm a good guy like that.
Y'know what?
She had done NOTHING.
She told me that she couldn't make a dvd because she didn't have a digital camera.
Oh well.
Another one bites the dust.
At least I know now that it was HER ALL ALONG.
I wish I had a happy ending for this story, but right now, it's just dead.
I certainly hope she chooses differently, and it got me thinking about in what way do I refuse success?
Actually, I think I already know the answer to that.
I gotta go now- I have to go call Steven Spielberg!
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