Friday, February 24, 2023
Home Cashflow Solutions is Legit, But It's For ADULTS
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
How To Make Money With Your OWN "Digital Dispensary"
I got two quick, simple questions for you:
1- Do you think online shopping will continue into the future?
2- Do you think Marijuana and Cannabis Sales will continue to grow in the future?
Well. now you know why I'm here, and why I got started with
Now, that may sound like a strange topic but I'm here to talk to you all about getting rich in the marijuana business.
Now this is for adults, so you have to be 21 and over, to listen to the rest of this. If you aren't please stop this now.
Now, for the adults who realize that there is a tremendous opportunity ahead of you here, I'll continue.
First of all, weed is more popular than ever - and it's becoming increasingly legalized across the United States and all over the world. That means more people are buying cannabis products, which means the demand is getting high. Get it?
Around the world, fast-moving entrepreneurs are growing and selling many different strains of marijuana, as well as edibles, oils, and so many other things. The whole industry is growing like WEED right now, kind of like Anheuser Beer did in the 1860's.
Now here's some terrible history.
Around 1865, some short-sighted investors were bought out of Anheuser beer.
And now 160 years later, one out of every 2 beers consumed in America are from Anheuser -Busch. That's 11 Billion bottles, around $50 BILLION dollars in revenue.
That's a lot of beer money, but here's the good news:
Cannabis sales are growing fast and are on pace to outperform beer...
So, I am determined not to miss out like those other guys did.
There are many different ways to make money in the Cannabis business. You can open a dispensary, start a delivery service, or even produce your own strains. The opportunities are truly endless into the future.
But most of us don't have the money, time or resources to do all of that.
But what we do have is... the internet.
We're showing people how to make money in the Cannabis Business with just an internet connection, and yes- a little bit of work.
This isn't a get rich quick scheme, but the internet makes it really easy and fast to start making money. You can be up and running today, all you need to do is sign up, promote their cannabis products and services, and you’ll start seeing those commissions come whenever someone buys. And guess what- People LOVE buying weed legally!
I mean- delivered to your door?
All I had to do was link people to our products through social or whatever. They give us all the tools to be successful, with insta posts and videos, live webinars, recordings, group chats, and a facebook group. So click below and get signed up for free. You can be a customer, an affiliate, or both! I'm both- most of us are!
Wednesday, February 01, 2023
Tim Berger and SMS Phone Leads are NOT Recommended (Yes- Scam)
- Certain features stopped working, but he said nothing.
- He'd announce a new feature was "coming", COLLECTED MONEY FOR IT, and then NEVER DELIVERED
- He'd make new opportunities, promise all this stuff with them, and then would only deliver about half of it before making the newest announcement.
- He billed people for a "rotator" that NEVER delivered a SINGLE hit.
- AND THEN, this caught me -
Despite always bragging about his lifestyle,
he had to beg his list for money to bury his own father.
Honestly, my heart went out to the guy.
That's embarrassing, but I thought it was gutsy
to admit it, and have a sale to generate what he needed.
He made all sorts of offers
and promises if people would buy stuff from him.
I gave him some ideas to get what he needed,
and he made all sorts of offers and promises and deals
if people would get stuff from him.
I respected that.
I even gave him $500 for access to an opp of his. Here's his text:
Lacking other information, this is the behavior of someone who is,
plain and simple… a scamming loser, and his observable behavior
and what I've heard from others follows that.
Seems like more lies just to grab some cash out of trusting people.
and I cannot keep my mouth shut anymore:
I usually hold my tongue but I, even I lost it and fired this off to him
Until further notice, and likely indefinitely,
I am taking the following actions(or lack thereof), and
NO MORE dealings with him, even if you choose to
continue to use some of his products that you already own.
BUT If you have a recurring bill,
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