The Yes machine is like Textbot SUPER CHARGED!
Do you know what a Rube Goldberg Machine is?
Maybe you remember in the Goonies,
or Pee-Wee's Big Adventure?
Maybe you've seen them on YouTube or TikTok.
They're those machines where you pull a lever,
and it makes a ball roll, or a bat swing, and that makes something else happen,
and like a booby trap, all set up to get to the last simple thing-
Like getting a ball in a cup, or a door to open,
or putting bacon on the pancakes.
Well, my friend Jeff just gave me a machine like that-
I push a button, and then it does all these complicated things,
but at the end, I get what every business owner wants.
And it's NOT money.
I'll say it again.
It's NOT money.
You see, this machine delivers something even better than money,
because every smart business owner I know wants a simple three-letter word
that comes before all of the other things you want.
And that simple, three-letter word is...
Yes, my friend Jeff made us
You may know Jeff already, he's the CEO of Abundance Network,
and the creator of the wildly popular Textbot software.
Well now he's taken that technology and super-charged it,
to create the dream tool for the business market-
There's nothing on the market like it, and here's how it works:
You upload a list of leads or prospects,
and then press the "Get My Yesses" button.
The YES MACHINE uses texts and emails to communicate
with that list of prospects, and using special AI technology,
sifts, sorts, and delivers to you,
on total Autopilot
the greatest little word to a business owners ears:
It gets permission, it delivers the information,
it asks for the sale.
If you have a business to promote, let me ask
Do we want that? YES
Do we need that? YES
Do you want leads? YES
Do you want Sales? YES
Do you want to confirm dates or webinar registrations? YES
I already know the answer.
The YES MACHINE sets the booby trap, puts the ball in the cup, and brings home the bacon.
So, if you'd like some automated YESSES, Go to the site!
How I use TEXTBOT to build my other businesses-
Why I'm mad at Jeff Long from Textbot-
Textbot review-
Another- on FB-
Textbot playlist-
So- do I like the YES MACHINE?