Thursday, December 12, 2019

Look! I'm in the "IN THE HEIGHTS" Movie Trailer!

Let me start off by saying that I am the luckiest guy on Earth.

I saw this show, and absolutely loved it. I was EXTREMELY lucky enough to play the lead role at 40 years old (the character is 24ish), probably my favorite time performing, back in 2012:

I went to a SINGLE DAY of shooting the movie as background because they called me out of the blue the night before. The next day I was flying out of tome.

But I made the trailer cut! You can see me throwing out the garbage at 29 seconds in!

Freeze the screen at 29 seconds in, and DON'T BLINK!

and just in case you wanna see me:

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Forget "Affiliate Marketing"- Watch This

This may come as a shock to you.

I'm leaving affiliate marketing behind.

Yes, I love making money while I sleep,
and being free to do whatever each day,
and blah, blah, blah.

But the truth is that the internet is changing.

And so is the landscape.

I watched a webinar the other day from
a super-affiliate I know, and he was RIGHT.

I am always saying that it's a game of APPLIED KNOWLEDGE,
and that you have to GET the knowledge first.

This is one of those times when you should know
this is happening EARLIER than everyone else..

I want to be clear- it doesn't mean that
I am not going t use the internet.

It means that I am not wasting time or energy
on the areas that don't matter anymore.

That webinar really changed my perspective,
and it probably cut years off the learning curve.

I cant recommend it enough, and so here's the link:


P.S.- Some of you will never hear from me again.

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