Get a FREE Bottle of Biotrust Low-Carb Protein

I bought a ton of this stuff because I LOVE it.
(It's also cheaper when you buy a ton!)
I have made a couple of videos about Biotrust Low Carb Protein, and they've gotten a little bit of traction.
The reason I'm a big fan is that instead of using a ton of sugar, or a lot of Sucralose (possibly cancer-causing) they use STEVIA.
Stevia is a natural sweetner, and this stuff mixes with just about anything. I use the Vanilla Biotrust Low Carb so that I can change the flavor. With Chocolate, the flavor is always chocolate
For some people that's great, but for me, I figure I can always add chocolate flavoring.
It also DOESN'T FOAM!!
I was using a ll these other brands before (Even Jay Robb) that foamed up when I mixed them with water, but not Biotrust!
If you want to make a whey protein shake without it foaming, the best solution is to use Biotrust!
Anyway, if you want a FREE BOTTLE (limited time) then go here: