Tuesday, December 17, 2013

#XMAS JAMMIES - The Holiday Card Viral Video From the Real-Life INCREDIBLES

This Holiday Viral Video About #Xmas Jammies is amazing.
No, it's not REALLY from THE INCREDIBLES, but look at this:

It's not that parodies are new (and this is a an old song to parody), but the fact that these WORKING actors are even taking the plunge to become Entreperformers that I like so much.

And they do it in the best way possible...

Cute kids
Hot Mom
Charismatic Dad
Good song choice and lyrics
Fun visuals of recognizable things

#XMAS JAMMIES - Merry Christmas from the Holderness Family! - YouTube: ""

Do you get what I'm saying?

Promoting themselves BY promoting that they're going to promote!!!

Brilliant, Fun, and wonderful to watch. Absolute perfection... My comment is a minute long:

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