Friday, February 23, 2007
Have you ever thought of a GREAT idea, and gotten all excited about it, and then did nothing?
and then some time later, someone does it, and you're like "Hey! That's my idea!"
Yes? Happened to you?
Happens to me all the time.
You know why?
Who is "they"?
The Universe- who has been listening to all the ideas I say I want!!!
So, I say "I want a charity that works like MLM"- and Boom. Someone does it.
It's called
go donate to MY idea!!
Have you ever thought of a GREAT idea, and gotten all excited about it, and then did nothing?
and then some time later, someone does it, and you're like "Hey! That's my idea!"
Yes? Happened to you?
Happens to me all the time.
You know why?
Who is "they"?
The Universe- who has been listening to all the ideas I say I want!!!
So, I say "I want a charity that works like MLM"- and Boom. Someone does it.
It's called
go donate to MY idea!!
So our public schools are a mess, and there are now SUMMITS and COMMITTEES and TASK FORCES whos main goal is to lower the dropout rate.
They will FAIL.
As long as they concentrate on LOWERING the dropout rate instead of RAISING the graduation rate, they will fail. Maybe it's time to see why kids leave, and give them reasons to STAY. I think making the lessons RELEVANT, and making the PROCESS relevant and exciting is where it's at.
Lately I've been writing about THE SECRET, and taking responsibility for everything in my life:
Did I attract a high dropout rate in my life?
Is this reality just something that I have attracted?
If so, maybe I need to concentrate and think about RAISING the graduation rate.
Maybe it'll work- try it with me?
So our public schools are a mess, and there are now SUMMITS and COMMITTEES and TASK FORCES whos main goal is to lower the dropout rate.
They will FAIL.
As long as they concentrate on LOWERING the dropout rate instead of RAISING the graduation rate, they will fail. Maybe it's time to see why kids leave, and give them reasons to STAY. I think making the lessons RELEVANT, and making the PROCESS relevant and exciting is where it's at.
Lately I've been writing about THE SECRET, and taking responsibility for everything in my life:
Did I attract a high dropout rate in my life?
Is this reality just something that I have attracted?
If so, maybe I need to concentrate and think about RAISING the graduation rate.
Maybe it'll work- try it with me?
Monday, February 19, 2007
Yesterday I was watching the 2-hour "Extreme Makeover- Home Edition", and it was for a marine who saved some people on September 11th. He loved being a Marine, and it showed all over; he was a nice, honorable, family guy. He happened to mention that he would "die for this country", and it got me thinking:
We don't live in a country.
We live in an IDEA.
This isn't a country like England, France, or China- The U.S. is an IDEA that has boundaries.
The IDEA is that the INDIVIDUAL has worth; In China, the philosophy is that the individual is there to serve the government, and whatever is good for the government is good for the individual.
Our IDEA is the opposite; Our idea is that the government is here to serve the individual. Our IDEA is that the individual can do what he or she wants, whenever they want, and with whom. We protect personal property, we spend millions to save one life, and we assume innocence before guilt.
Our IDEA supports that humanity is GOOD.
The IDEA supports that ALL of humanity is good.
I think there are many of us who are forgetting the IDEA, and who are moving more and more towards a "commonwealth" philosophy, and it made me think of this quote:
"People who say 'you should do for others' are mostly planning on being an 'other'"
And our IDEA is OPPOSITE of that.
We don't always live up to the IDEA of the U.S., but we're trying, and YES-
I think that's an IDEA worth dying for.
Yesterday I was watching the 2-hour "Extreme Makeover- Home Edition", and it was for a marine who saved some people on September 11th. He loved being a Marine, and it showed all over; he was a nice, honorable, family guy. He happened to mention that he would "die for this country", and it got me thinking:
We don't live in a country.
We live in an IDEA.
This isn't a country like England, France, or China- The U.S. is an IDEA that has boundaries.
The IDEA is that the INDIVIDUAL has worth; In China, the philosophy is that the individual is there to serve the government, and whatever is good for the government is good for the individual.
Our IDEA is the opposite; Our idea is that the government is here to serve the individual. Our IDEA is that the individual can do what he or she wants, whenever they want, and with whom. We protect personal property, we spend millions to save one life, and we assume innocence before guilt.
Our IDEA supports that humanity is GOOD.
The IDEA supports that ALL of humanity is good.
I think there are many of us who are forgetting the IDEA, and who are moving more and more towards a "commonwealth" philosophy, and it made me think of this quote:
"People who say 'you should do for others' are mostly planning on being an 'other'"
And our IDEA is OPPOSITE of that.
We don't always live up to the IDEA of the U.S., but we're trying, and YES-
I think that's an IDEA worth dying for.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Of course, that means that when things are good, they need to be balanced there as well.
Of course, that means that when things are good, they need to be balanced there as well.
I had done it before, but today I got a lot more than I did before, and took a bag, and went on a Saturday, when it was MUCH more busy. Here's the point:
I want to make GIVING contagious... the idea is that someone feels good for getting a gift, so they want to pass that on and have someone else feel it. So, while I was giving out the flowers, I felt great; and many of the people were grateful- after the initial skepticism. In fact, I can say that I honestly noticed the AURA of the train change, and people smiling and all of that-
a great return on some flowers.
I could see that people were watching me, and just kinda hoping that they were going to get one, and I could see the relief when they did. However-
Some people didn't want one.
and that would have been fine, but I realised this:
"No" is contagious too.
If one person said "No thank you", I had a harder time with other people accepting. If I didn't push a little, there would have been far more "No thank you"s than were genuine.
By that I mean that many people WANTED a flower, but were so distrusting of me, or the situation, or whatever that they said no. As an example, there was a girl who, when I asked if she'd like one, said this:
"Oh, I'm afraid I would crush it"
-Which if you know anything about sales, is a YES- she wants one, but needs to be assured that her objection isn't a problem. So I said "That's OK, I've crushed several of them", and then she took one- VERY HAPPILY.
(I realized a second later that a better reply would have been "But you'll crush ME if you don't take it")
So, both "yes" and "No" are contagious, and frankly, people are more predisposed to say "no" than yes in any situation, so I guess that means we get to work a little bit harder.
I learned a bunch today- I hope YOU get to learn some cool things like that too!
I had done it before, but today I got a lot more than I did before, and took a bag, and went on a Saturday, when it was MUCH more busy. Here's the point:
I want to make GIVING contagious... the idea is that someone feels good for getting a gift, so they want to pass that on and have someone else feel it. So, while I was giving out the flowers, I felt great; and many of the people were grateful- after the initial skepticism. In fact, I can say that I honestly noticed the AURA of the train change, and people smiling and all of that-
a great return on some flowers.
I could see that people were watching me, and just kinda hoping that they were going to get one, and I could see the relief when they did. However-
Some people didn't want one.
and that would have been fine, but I realised this:
"No" is contagious too.
If one person said "No thank you", I had a harder time with other people accepting. If I didn't push a little, there would have been far more "No thank you"s than were genuine.
By that I mean that many people WANTED a flower, but were so distrusting of me, or the situation, or whatever that they said no. As an example, there was a girl who, when I asked if she'd like one, said this:
"Oh, I'm afraid I would crush it"
-Which if you know anything about sales, is a YES- she wants one, but needs to be assured that her objection isn't a problem. So I said "That's OK, I've crushed several of them", and then she took one- VERY HAPPILY.
(I realized a second later that a better reply would have been "But you'll crush ME if you don't take it")
So, both "yes" and "No" are contagious, and frankly, people are more predisposed to say "no" than yes in any situation, so I guess that means we get to work a little bit harder.
I learned a bunch today- I hope YOU get to learn some cool things like that too!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A little Valentine's Day Sketch from me to you:
Boy coming home....
Hey Honey! How was your day?
Teaching English to disinterested youth can be difficult….
Well, I want to make it all better- Happy Valentime's Day!!
Oh yes…. Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I love you SO much; Every day I Thanks God for you!
I feel the same way. I THANK God for you, and all of the time we have together, and all of the time we have left.
You say such nice things. You always have nice things to say on Valentime's day.
Well, it's easy with you; Hey sweetie…. I'm excited about the dinner you said you made for ValentiNe's…
Yeah, I just had to use my special recipe after I unthawed the meat.
You Unthawed the meat?
Yeah. And I squoze out the juices.
You Squoze them? Sounds delicious.
We'll have a meal, and then we can conversate all night.
Did we EVER conversate? The word is CONVERSE
Oh, like “Converse Sneakers”?
Ok, that's it.
I can't take it anymore- SPEAK ENGLISH!
What do you mean?
We've been together for 3 months, and I can hardly understand you.
What if I was to talk good?
I'm an ENGLISH TEACHER. This won't work.
But we loves each other!
Maybe it was the sex, but I can't stand it anymore- my family raised me to speak ENGLISH!
So what? That's a mute point.
MOOT point
I'm sure I'll learn adventurally-
Did you just say ADVENTURALLY? That's not even in the realm of-
I could care less!
COULDN'T care less- if you COULD care less, then…what's the problem?
Your whole family are snobby- the way yous act.
IS Snobby- The way YOU act!
YOUS act!
YOU act! I HATE this!
How can you be so mean?
Oh.... wait, I’m sorry, you’re right. I am being mean. Maybe we can figure something out.
Oh thank you, I KNEW we could come to some sort of agreance.
Fuck this- I’m out!
You’re breaking up with me today?- On Valentime's day??
It’s VALENTINE'S!!!!! With an N!!!!
Nalentime's Day?
Ugh- I'm leaving now.
You're leaving irregardless of my feelings?
I’m leaving- REGARDLESS of your feelings.
Wait what does Irregardless mean?
Well then- Touche'
Good bye (leaves)
(crying again)
This was the worst Nalentime's Day ever!
A little Valentine's Day Sketch from me to you:
Boy coming home....
Hey Honey! How was your day?
Teaching English to disinterested youth can be difficult….
Well, I want to make it all better- Happy Valentime's Day!!
Oh yes…. Happy Valentine's Day to you!
I love you SO much; Every day I Thanks God for you!
I feel the same way. I THANK God for you, and all of the time we have together, and all of the time we have left.
You say such nice things. You always have nice things to say on Valentime's day.
Well, it's easy with you; Hey sweetie…. I'm excited about the dinner you said you made for ValentiNe's…
Yeah, I just had to use my special recipe after I unthawed the meat.
You Unthawed the meat?
Yeah. And I squoze out the juices.
You Squoze them? Sounds delicious.
We'll have a meal, and then we can conversate all night.
Did we EVER conversate? The word is CONVERSE
Oh, like “Converse Sneakers”?
Ok, that's it.
I can't take it anymore- SPEAK ENGLISH!
What do you mean?
We've been together for 3 months, and I can hardly understand you.
What if I was to talk good?
I'm an ENGLISH TEACHER. This won't work.
But we loves each other!
Maybe it was the sex, but I can't stand it anymore- my family raised me to speak ENGLISH!
So what? That's a mute point.
MOOT point
I'm sure I'll learn adventurally-
Did you just say ADVENTURALLY? That's not even in the realm of-
I could care less!
COULDN'T care less- if you COULD care less, then…what's the problem?
Your whole family are snobby- the way yous act.
IS Snobby- The way YOU act!
YOUS act!
YOU act! I HATE this!
How can you be so mean?
Oh.... wait, I’m sorry, you’re right. I am being mean. Maybe we can figure something out.
Oh thank you, I KNEW we could come to some sort of agreance.
Fuck this- I’m out!
You’re breaking up with me today?- On Valentime's day??
It’s VALENTINE'S!!!!! With an N!!!!
Nalentime's Day?
Ugh- I'm leaving now.
You're leaving irregardless of my feelings?
I’m leaving- REGARDLESS of your feelings.
Wait what does Irregardless mean?
Well then- Touche'
Good bye (leaves)
(crying again)
This was the worst Nalentime's Day ever!
Monday, February 12, 2007
So apparently, there are some villages so poor in Africa (how poor are they?), that parents sell their kids to work for fishermen who use them as slave labor.
for 20 bucks.
Of course, the parents don't know they're treated so poorly, but that's beside the point. Some of these kids are 4 years old, and their entire job is to scoop water out of a fishing kayak. Some of them are rowing, and some are throwing nets.
And they get ONE meal a day.
So now there are organizations who are rescuing these kids by asking the fishermen to let them go- out of the kindness of their hearts.
Some DO let some kids go, but the fishermen DO need to make a living, and they want their businesses to continue.
-and they SHOULD want that. Without them, there is NO HOPE for the entire continent.
Even "the land of opportunity" had it's child labor issues, and we flourished on slave labor, but we eventually pulled out. Other countries are where we were just a short time ago.
Why don't we HELP THEM get further along?
If the 4 year old is just scooping out water, why can't we show them a machine that does it?
If the family is so poor that they have to sell their kid to get groceries, why can't we show them that instead of buying groceries, they can buy a COW, and sell milk, cheese, and calves?
If we have figured out BETTER ways to do something, why aren't we showing them?
Of course, isn't this the argument for why we "helped" the Native American, and then took their land?
Where is the line between "helping" and "conquering"?
I honestly believe that what WE are doing- or at least what we SAY we are doing- or at least what we say we are TRYING to do here in America is the way to go- FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL rights.
So if it costs $20 for a kid, isn't the world better off buying that kid an education, and giving the fisherman a machine?
I think so.
I guess that's it.
So apparently, there are some villages so poor in Africa (how poor are they?), that parents sell their kids to work for fishermen who use them as slave labor.
for 20 bucks.
Of course, the parents don't know they're treated so poorly, but that's beside the point. Some of these kids are 4 years old, and their entire job is to scoop water out of a fishing kayak. Some of them are rowing, and some are throwing nets.
And they get ONE meal a day.
So now there are organizations who are rescuing these kids by asking the fishermen to let them go- out of the kindness of their hearts.
Some DO let some kids go, but the fishermen DO need to make a living, and they want their businesses to continue.
-and they SHOULD want that. Without them, there is NO HOPE for the entire continent.
Even "the land of opportunity" had it's child labor issues, and we flourished on slave labor, but we eventually pulled out. Other countries are where we were just a short time ago.
Why don't we HELP THEM get further along?
If the 4 year old is just scooping out water, why can't we show them a machine that does it?
If the family is so poor that they have to sell their kid to get groceries, why can't we show them that instead of buying groceries, they can buy a COW, and sell milk, cheese, and calves?
If we have figured out BETTER ways to do something, why aren't we showing them?
Of course, isn't this the argument for why we "helped" the Native American, and then took their land?
Where is the line between "helping" and "conquering"?
I honestly believe that what WE are doing- or at least what we SAY we are doing- or at least what we say we are TRYING to do here in America is the way to go- FREEDOM and INDIVIDUAL rights.
So if it costs $20 for a kid, isn't the world better off buying that kid an education, and giving the fisherman a machine?
I think so.
I guess that's it.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
It's damn cold here in NYC.
Damn Cold.
Since my Gym is across town, and it's DAMN COLD, I am less than motivated to go over there.
However, I DO need to work out.
So, I remembered a workout I used to do in college, and thought I'd do it.
It kicked my ass.
Here it is:
Take a regular deck of 52 cards, and shuffle them.
Then turn over a card:
If it's a Spade, you do that number of squats
If it's a Club, you do that many Pull-ups
If it's a Diamond, you do that many crunches
If it's a Heart, you do that many push-ups.
Aces are worth 20.
You can of course increase the intensity by adding weight, by varying the excercises, by doing full sit-ups instead of crunches, etc.
You can also play with the Jokers being something special- like 10 of each in one big circuit.
I take no responsibility for your muscles the next day.
It's damn cold here in NYC.
Damn Cold.
Since my Gym is across town, and it's DAMN COLD, I am less than motivated to go over there.
However, I DO need to work out.
So, I remembered a workout I used to do in college, and thought I'd do it.
It kicked my ass.
Here it is:
Take a regular deck of 52 cards, and shuffle them.
Then turn over a card:
If it's a Spade, you do that number of squats
If it's a Club, you do that many Pull-ups
If it's a Diamond, you do that many crunches
If it's a Heart, you do that many push-ups.
Aces are worth 20.
You can of course increase the intensity by adding weight, by varying the excercises, by doing full sit-ups instead of crunches, etc.
You can also play with the Jokers being something special- like 10 of each in one big circuit.
I take no responsibility for your muscles the next day.
If you want another great "OLD-SCHOOL" approach, check this out- It kinda hurts though!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I can't recommend THE SECRET enough:
I also recommend the CD's.
Here's my take on it:
Our THOUGHTS about something generate a FEELING about that, and those FEELINGS send out a VIBRATION into the Universe- and affects your destiny.
Do you realize what this means?
I have finally become a MUTANT with SUPER-POWERS!!!
Let me explain:
See, when I was around 9 years old, and all the way until.... 34, I used to LOSE SLEEP because I was SO EXCITED that I was going to wake up, and my MUTANT POWER would be there.
I THOUGHT about what power I wanted, and while my friends wanted to fly (lame) I wanted to have SUPER TELEKINESIS- because with THAT power, I could do ANYTHING!
The point was, I wanted to be able to DO ANYTHING!
So now, whenever I am thinking about THE SECRET, I imagine that I have FINALLY grown into adolescence, and have the super-powers I have been waiting for, and I can DO ANYTHING!!
So how do you get those feelings when you don't have the thing yet?
Here's what I've been thinking:
When you were younger, and you asked for something for Christmas, and you KNEW you were getting it- didn't you FEEL that energy BEFORE you actually got it?
That's the feeling you need!
So- now that I FEEL like I am a MUTANT with SUPER-POWERS, I've been doing EVERYTHING I can!!!
What's YOUR super-power?
Go get THE SECRET!!!
I can't recommend THE SECRET enough:
I also recommend the CD's.
Here's my take on it:
Our THOUGHTS about something generate a FEELING about that, and those FEELINGS send out a VIBRATION into the Universe- and affects your destiny.
Do you realize what this means?
I have finally become a MUTANT with SUPER-POWERS!!!
Let me explain:
See, when I was around 9 years old, and all the way until.... 34, I used to LOSE SLEEP because I was SO EXCITED that I was going to wake up, and my MUTANT POWER would be there.
I THOUGHT about what power I wanted, and while my friends wanted to fly (lame) I wanted to have SUPER TELEKINESIS- because with THAT power, I could do ANYTHING!
The point was, I wanted to be able to DO ANYTHING!
So now, whenever I am thinking about THE SECRET, I imagine that I have FINALLY grown into adolescence, and have the super-powers I have been waiting for, and I can DO ANYTHING!!
So how do you get those feelings when you don't have the thing yet?
Here's what I've been thinking:
When you were younger, and you asked for something for Christmas, and you KNEW you were getting it- didn't you FEEL that energy BEFORE you actually got it?
That's the feeling you need!
So- now that I FEEL like I am a MUTANT with SUPER-POWERS, I've been doing EVERYTHING I can!!!
What's YOUR super-power?
Go get THE SECRET!!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Last night, after performing my "Marital Obligations", I fell asleep (typical man) around 1:30, but woke up at 3am with an IDEA!!
Actually, I've had the BIG version of this idea for a while, but I finally thought of a way for me to START SMALL, and get it going:
I'm a little wobbly, buut I'm still thinking it all out. Of course while in my fervor, I discovered some other sites already doing this, but that's great- MORE FOR EVERYONE!!!
Gotta go- it seems that I have given myself a TON of stuff to do!!
Last night, after performing my "Marital Obligations", I fell asleep (typical man) around 1:30, but woke up at 3am with an IDEA!!
Actually, I've had the BIG version of this idea for a while, but I finally thought of a way for me to START SMALL, and get it going:
I'm a little wobbly, buut I'm still thinking it all out. Of course while in my fervor, I discovered some other sites already doing this, but that's great- MORE FOR EVERYONE!!!
Gotta go- it seems that I have given myself a TON of stuff to do!!
Saturday, February 03, 2007
I heard this the other day, and had to write about it.
This quote came from someone who saw what he thinks were auras escaping people as they were dying. So it asks the question:
Is there a competition for whose Aura is brighter?
I say there IS.
I say that most people ARE somehow competing with each other for who is the "better person", and that the "scoring mechanism" changes depending on who is doing the thinking. For example:
Rich people think they're winning
Poor people think they're winning
Ugly people think they're winning
Pretty people think they're winning
They all think they're winning- but the game has arbitrary rules, and no one is following them anyway!
Can you play a game of basketball without a net?
Can you play a game of "tag" if no one is "it"
Can you run a race without a finish line?
No- and similarly, you can't play the "Who is BETTER" game unless everyone agrees to the rules, and is playing the same game.
I might think I'm playing basketball against you, but if you think we're playing soccer, we BOTH think we're winning the game- and meantime:
THERE IS NO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask a Muslim, and he'll tell you he's winning the game against the Christian, who thinks he's winning the game against the Jew, who thinks he's winning the game against the Muslim.
Not only that, but even in those LARGE competitions, they compete against each other:
Muslims are trying to be "More Muslim" than the other Muslims.
Christians are trying to be "More Christian" than the other Christians.
Jews are trying to be "More Jewish" than the other Jews.
In this "Better than you" competition, everyone agrees that the scoring mechanism is to be "More Liked by God" than anyone else. However:
No one is asking the same God!
And more importantly- HE IS NOT ANSWERING!!!!
(and by the way, atheists and the "non-religious" DEFINITELY feel superior too)
And it's not just in religion:
"My CAR is better than you car, therefore I am better"
"My WIFE is better than your wife, therefore I am better"
"My CHILDREN are better than your children, therefore I am better"
Sometimes we subtly agree to these games and their rules, but then find a game where WE are the winner:
"Yeah, he drives a nice car, but our house is bigger"
"Yeah, she's pretty, but at least I'm smart"
and my favorite:
"We're not rich, but at least we're honest" (spider man 1)
It would seem that we all think we're in a million different races, but none have a finish line, and in the meantime, we could actually be helping each other run our OWN race.
Look, I'm not saying that I am above ANY of this- (in fact, my wife actually IS better than your wife :-) )
But I AM saying that we have LEARNED all of this, and we can UNlearn it too.
You don't compete with your friends about who learns their ABC's faster, because you have all already learned them, and they aren't important anymore. In fact, if one of your friends or family members didn't know their ABC's, you'd try to help them-
we'd ALL try to help them.
So what do we have to learn before we can ALL try to help each other in our OWN races?
Beats me, but in the meantime, why don't we work on helping YOU get your Aura brighter according to what YOU think it should be, and I'm gonna ask you to help me with mine?
I heard this the other day, and had to write about it.
This quote came from someone who saw what he thinks were auras escaping people as they were dying. So it asks the question:
Is there a competition for whose Aura is brighter?
I say there IS.
I say that most people ARE somehow competing with each other for who is the "better person", and that the "scoring mechanism" changes depending on who is doing the thinking. For example:
Rich people think they're winning
Poor people think they're winning
Ugly people think they're winning
Pretty people think they're winning
They all think they're winning- but the game has arbitrary rules, and no one is following them anyway!
Can you play a game of basketball without a net?
Can you play a game of "tag" if no one is "it"
Can you run a race without a finish line?
No- and similarly, you can't play the "Who is BETTER" game unless everyone agrees to the rules, and is playing the same game.
I might think I'm playing basketball against you, but if you think we're playing soccer, we BOTH think we're winning the game- and meantime:
THERE IS NO GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ask a Muslim, and he'll tell you he's winning the game against the Christian, who thinks he's winning the game against the Jew, who thinks he's winning the game against the Muslim.
Not only that, but even in those LARGE competitions, they compete against each other:
Muslims are trying to be "More Muslim" than the other Muslims.
Christians are trying to be "More Christian" than the other Christians.
Jews are trying to be "More Jewish" than the other Jews.
In this "Better than you" competition, everyone agrees that the scoring mechanism is to be "More Liked by God" than anyone else. However:
No one is asking the same God!
And more importantly- HE IS NOT ANSWERING!!!!
(and by the way, atheists and the "non-religious" DEFINITELY feel superior too)
And it's not just in religion:
"My CAR is better than you car, therefore I am better"
"My WIFE is better than your wife, therefore I am better"
"My CHILDREN are better than your children, therefore I am better"
Sometimes we subtly agree to these games and their rules, but then find a game where WE are the winner:
"Yeah, he drives a nice car, but our house is bigger"
"Yeah, she's pretty, but at least I'm smart"
and my favorite:
"We're not rich, but at least we're honest" (spider man 1)
It would seem that we all think we're in a million different races, but none have a finish line, and in the meantime, we could actually be helping each other run our OWN race.
Look, I'm not saying that I am above ANY of this- (in fact, my wife actually IS better than your wife :-) )
But I AM saying that we have LEARNED all of this, and we can UNlearn it too.
You don't compete with your friends about who learns their ABC's faster, because you have all already learned them, and they aren't important anymore. In fact, if one of your friends or family members didn't know their ABC's, you'd try to help them-
we'd ALL try to help them.
So what do we have to learn before we can ALL try to help each other in our OWN races?
Beats me, but in the meantime, why don't we work on helping YOU get your Aura brighter according to what YOU think it should be, and I'm gonna ask you to help me with mine?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Laura and I are getting lazier and lazier here in our love nest, so instead of going out shopping for food, we ordered our groceries online from FRESH DIRECT.
Because it was our first order, they packed in an unadvertised special "Thank you gift"- a box of "Chocolate Crisps", normally sold for $9.
They were chocolate, andLaura is a woman.
Laura LIKES the Chocolate Crisps.
I thought they were ok- not great. However, I WAS impressed that they sent them to us.
So when Laura ordered again yesterday, she not only bought the $9 Chocolate Crisps for herself, but so that I wasn't left out, she bought me the $7 "Chocolate Bark" made up of Chocolate, pretzels and peanut butter chips.
Wow, Yummy.
So, the $9 gift, which cost them a considerable amount less, became $16 on our next order.
Not a bad return at all for a gift.
Now how can I make this work for me when Christmas comes around?
Laura and I are getting lazier and lazier here in our love nest, so instead of going out shopping for food, we ordered our groceries online from FRESH DIRECT.
Because it was our first order, they packed in an unadvertised special "Thank you gift"- a box of "Chocolate Crisps", normally sold for $9.
They were chocolate, andLaura is a woman.
Laura LIKES the Chocolate Crisps.
I thought they were ok- not great. However, I WAS impressed that they sent them to us.
So when Laura ordered again yesterday, she not only bought the $9 Chocolate Crisps for herself, but so that I wasn't left out, she bought me the $7 "Chocolate Bark" made up of Chocolate, pretzels and peanut butter chips.
Wow, Yummy.
So, the $9 gift, which cost them a considerable amount less, became $16 on our next order.
Not a bad return at all for a gift.
Now how can I make this work for me when Christmas comes around?
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